Although Qi Sichen didn't know what happened at that time, he still decided to send someone over to take a look.

When the rescue vehicle arrived at the scene of the incident, the man with the earrings was pushing the cart forward with his navigator.

At this moment, Mo Xiang had already crossed the finish line with his car.

"We are still number one!" Ouyang Yueyue couldn't believe it.

Not only her, but even the staff waiting at the finish line felt incredible.

Because until now, they still think that Mo Xiang disappeared in the desert.

"It's really unbelievable. When we heard the news of your disappearance, we all thought..."

A staff member couldn't hide his surprise, and almost said what he shouldn't have said.

Back in the rest car again, Ouyang Yueyue couldn't wait to jump onto the big bed, rolling back and forth.

"It's so comfortable, I want to never leave here for the rest of my life."

Saying that, he hugged the pillow and kissed him vigorously.

Mo Xiang sat on a small chair by the car door, lit a cigarette, and took a deep breath.

The experience along the way finally made him feel a little tired.

Not physically, but mentally.

He thought of the man with the earrings against him everywhere, and was almost killed by him, and then thought of Ouyang Yueyue's identity...

Could all these things be done by Qi Sichen?

So what is the purpose?

At this time, the voice from the back room sounded again: "Haha, I can even imagine what the man with the earrings is feeling at this moment. It's really retribution, and he deserved his engine to go on strike in the end. But it's also It saved our lives."

According to her, this matter is like this.

When the front of their car was already tilted up by the man with the stud earrings.

There is no way to control the direction, the whole car is under the control of the man with earrings.

At this moment, a series of strange noises were heard from the car behind.

Immediately afterwards, I felt the front of my car drop suddenly, and the car regained its power.

Looking back, the car behind has started to smoke.

It really is God helping me too.

However, what happened in between was not as simple as what she saw.

Everything happens in a flash.

Just when the car was completely out of control, Mo Xiang had an idea and pressed the hinge button under the rear bumper.

The chain was thrown to the ground a little bit.

Hesitating that the speed of the car was too fast and the ground was uneven, the chain was constantly bouncing.

They were lucky that the chain hook had landed on Stud Man's engine.

After the entire chain is loose, cut off the winch decisively.

The whole action is smooth.

Most people, including the man with earrings, didn't find anything unusual.

After the car ran forward for another distance, the hooked hinge was caught in the belt of the engine.

Immediately afterwards, there was a burst of destructiveness. The sound of breaking and the chain caused a series of damage to the entire car's wiring.

It can only be said that the stud man and the others were not bad luck. When the car crashed, he held the steering wheel tightly and kept the direction unchanged.

That way you don't roll over.

When the car came to a complete stop, I found that the engine compartment was already in a mess, and I couldn't help feeling chills.

None of them knew how the iron chain got here.

At the same time, looking at the wisp of smoke and dust in the distance, he secretly sighed that this guy Mo Xiang is really quiet and hot in doing things.

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