Very pure and cute: diamond rich come on a blind date

Chapter 298 303, 2 choose 1, she made a choice

"Because our family doesn't eat chili, besides, after you marry in, you're going to get pregnant. I've heard people say that it's not good for pregnant women to eat too much chili..."

The man with glasses has obviously started planning her future with him.

"Wait—" Ye Huanyu interrupted him with a dry smile, "Well, Mr. Li, right? We don't seem to know each other well..."

"No. Lin Jiao told me all about your basic situation." The man with glasses pushed the thick frame on the bridge of his nose and continued, "Miss Ye, although your education is a bit poor, and you are not affected by it." The illegitimate daughter who is waiting to be seen, and has stayed in the United States for five years, of course I don't expect you to be a virgin, but my father said, since you are recommended by the old lady of the Qi family, you are not wrong Where are you going?"

Ye Huanyu's face turned pale!There is a little sullenness in the eyes.

"But Mr. Li doesn't think that marriage is a lifetime affair between two people. If such a hasty decision is made, it may lead to tragedy in the future."

The man with glasses didn't take it seriously, "Marriage is just two people making do with each other. As a wife, it's good to be safe at home. My husband will inevitably have social activities outside. As long as you don't bring them home, everyone will turn a blind eye." Eyes, won't we live in peace for the rest of our lives?"

"I can't accept such an argument!" Ye Huanyu clenched her fist quietly, "This is very unfair to women! Both men and women should be loyal to marriage!"

The man with glasses was stunned for a moment, looked at Ye Huanyu, and then sneered, "Miss Ye, are you kidding me? What do you mean, since I married you, I must be loyal to you?"

Her fingertips trembled, although in the previous ten blind dates, those ten men all sneered at the word 'loyalty'.

But since there is no more love in a marriage, then at least she should be 'loyal' to each other, this is her only persistence left!

"Yes!" Ye Huanyu answered neatly, "If Mr. Li can't promise to be faithful to his wife after marriage, then I don't think there's any need for us to talk."

The man with glasses blushed angrily, "Ye Huanyu, if Mrs. Qi hadn't recommended you, and my dad said he couldn't offend Mrs. Qi, do you think I would waste my time on a woman like you? I really thought I was great! Let me tell you, a woman like you would have been played with in the United States long ago. Damn it, you still have the nerve to offer loyalty to me?!"

Poof~ sound.

A glass of wine was poured directly on the glasses man's face!

The man with glasses suddenly stood up and slapped the table hard! "Smelly woman, how dare you splash me?!"

Ye Huanyu narrowed her eyes and said calmly, "Mr. Li, it seems that you have spent so many years reading books for nothing, you should go back and learn how to respect others!"

The man with glasses glared at Ye Huanyu fiercely, and wanted to hit her with his hands, but because there were other people present in the restaurant, he had no choice but to give up! "Ye Huanyu, don't be complacent! I've seen a lot of women like you who are a bitch and want to set up a memorial archway! Remember it! Hmph!"

After finishing speaking, the man with glasses was furious and left in hatred.

Almost exactly the same as the previous ten blind dates, Ye Huanyu was left alone at the dinner table.

In the two choices of leaving city A and getting married, she chose the latter with difficulty.

However, the 11th blind date still ended in failure.


Ye Huanyu just gave birth.At the Qing restaurant, Lin Jiao's phone call came in a hurry.

She frowned subconsciously, and had no choice but to pick it up——

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