Annie's Restaurant.

Qi Sichen sat alone in his own room.

He encountered unprecedented pressure.

It is related to the safety of his father, and he cannot sit idly by.

"Are you worried?"

Jasmine's gentle voice came next to his ear.

"Mo Xiang was the same as you yesterday. Why can't everyone take a step back?"

With that said, he put the hot coffee in his hand in front of Qi Sichen.

Faint water vapor floats.

What Qi Sichen smelled was a strong fragrance mixed with a slight bitterness.


After finishing the routine training, Mo Xiang drove the car to the maintenance field.

The car needs to be tuned every day.

As soon as I got under the car with the wrench, I heard a series of "da da" crisp sounds of high heels.

In this race track, when there is no competition, there are very few women.

"Hi, beauty, you are here."

It seemed that other people in the parking lot were familiar with the visitor and greeted them one after another.

For Mo Xiang, who works with peace of mind, this has nothing to do with him.

Continue to adjust.

What he didn't expect was that the footsteps stopped when they reached his side.

Then I felt my foot was kicked twice.

What annoyed him was that he was interrupted for no reason while working.

Even though she was a little angry, she didn't intend to talk to the person.

continue working.

Seeing that he didn't move, he kicked again.

Keep silent, but the visitor does not intend to let him go just like that.

This is really on the bar.

Can't continue working.

Facing women, he has enough patience, but it doesn't mean he can endure it forever.

Put down the wrench and get out from under the car.

However, when he saw the person standing in front of him, he couldn't even get angry immediately.

"Long time no see, do you miss me?" Ouyang Yueyue cheerfully waved to him playfully.

Since returning from the game, it is true that I haven't seen this girl for a while.

Mo Xiang, who had regained his peace of life, did not forget her. It seemed that in such an ordinary life, he still recalled the days that upset him more or less.

With a straight face, he took the towel on the hood and wiped the sweat off his face, "You can't go to school well, why are you here?"

"I just want to come over and have a look. This is the place where I used to live and fight."

"There's nothing to see here, it's just a few cars and a bunch of parts."

As Mo Xiang said, his hands were not idle, he took another small wrench from the workbench, and started to adjust the engine.

I really don't have a moment to spare.

"There is no competition, so is it necessary to appear so busy?" Ouyang Yueyue, who was standing aside, seemed a little angry.

"Cars are like people. If you don't make adjustments every day, it doesn't make any sense to adjust when something happens."

"Oh, it sounds quite philosophical. Now that you've said that, the car needs to be adjusted. People need to be adjusted too. It seems that you will not refuse me."


This girl seems to be a bad visitor, and she fell into her trap because of her negligence.

"Tell me, what is your purpose for coming here today?"

"Tsk tsk..." Ouyang Yueyue rolled his eyes at him, "Are you a bitch, if others don't try to hurt you, will you feel uncomfortable?"

Mo Xiang also gave her a blank look, "I don't know others, but I know you very well."

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