Jiujiu held the branch tightly with both hands.

She could feel her heart beating very fast.

Although she holds a 'weapon' in her hand, she is still a girl after all.

His legs were trembling slightly.

My palms also started to sweat.


The voice stopped not far from her.

Then, a bright light shone towards her.

After a long period of darkness, this kind of light is like looking up at the sun.

The stabbing made her almost throw away the branch in her hand, she closed her eyes tightly and turned her head to the side.

There was another hurried rustling sound, getting closer and closer.

Perhaps because she was frightened, she swung the branch vigorously with her eyes closed.

A slight wind noise could be heard.


The other end of her 'weapon' was firmly grasped.

A powerful force made her irresistible.

Without hearing what the other party said, I felt a big hand firmly grasping it.

Icy and favorable.

Until this time, Jiu Jiu finally regained consciousness.

Someone has come to rescue him.

"who are you?"

She was led away by the black figure in front of her, and only his tall figure could be seen from the vague outline.

Walking through this dark forest, the man seemed to be familiar with the road.

Not long after, a faint human voice could be heard in front of him for a long time.

Then you can see the light of the stars.

Almost all the people are here. The sudden fire just now scared these spoiled students in the city.

In addition to running hard just now, fortunately no one else was left behind.

Now one by one, sitting or lying down, panting heavily.

"There is movement in the woods!"

Someone who was sitting by the edge of the woods heard voices coming from inside, thinking that there were some wild animals.

They couldn't bear to be frightened again, and they made a mess again like frightened lambs.

Just as they were about to flee again, a ray of light shone from the woods, followed by two figures.

Qi Sijiu...

Someone recognized Jiu Jiu who was following behind, as for the other person, he quickly recognized that it was Mo Xiang.

How did these two people appear from the woods.

After finding his classmates again, Jiu Jiu's heart was truly relieved.

She finally knew that it was Mo Xiang who saved her.

"Is everyone here?" Mo Xiang inspected the crowd.

"Xiaosu is not here, can I ask you to look for him?"

Yifei really wanted to go back and look for him, but she was afraid that she would get lost if she didn't find him.

She was worried but helpless.

Fortunately, at this time, Mo Xiang appeared.

Hearing that Xiao Su was not there, Mo Xiang frowned slightly.

When I left, the fire had been brought under control, did something happen after I left?

Thinking of this, I just said "Don't run around." Then I hurried back.

Although it was firefighting again, it took a long time to look for it.But he also felt something strange.

It was my first time visiting this place, but somehow it felt familiar.

Couldn't find any answers.

Soon, he rushed to the scene of the fire.

To his relief, the fire was gradually dying down.

And Xiaosu was sitting by the fire to rest.

"Did you find him?" Xiaosu saw Mo Xiang come back again.

"She's fine, I sent her to the others. They're all fine. Your girlfriend is safe too."

As he said that, Mo Xiang came to the fire and warmed his hands in a leisurely manner.

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