Manwei Psychological Clinic.

Located in a quiet corner of City A.

It is not far from the university that has been studying for a long time.

To be more precise, it is also not far from Qi Sichen's house.

Such a place is needed for psychological counseling and treatment.

A quiet environment can allow patients to let go of the roles that society has assigned to them.

Return to yourself wholeheartedly.

The outside world is troubled.

People who live in the reinforced concrete jungle actually have various psychological problems more or less.

But for various reasons, they are unwilling to face up to this problem, or it is a manifestation of ignorance.

In the parking space next to the two-story white building, a jeep was parked.

From the smooth appearance, it is difficult to see that its experience is beyond the reach of urban cars.

The lighting is soft.

Two-thirds of the white curtains were pulled down, only a gleam of green from outside came in.

"You are Mr. Mo, right?"

The woman sitting opposite Mo Xiang was dressed in a white coat just like the doctors in the hospital.

She flipped through the appointment card on the table with her hand, then raised her eyes to look at the man in front of her.

"Yes, it's me."

The answer is short and powerful.

It is very in line with the frosty aura he is showing at the moment.

She raised her hand to support her gold-rimmed glasses, "I have read your answer sheet. Through analysis, I think that if your mind has a line of defense to the outside world, you hide too many secrets. And there seems to be some confusion things exist."

After listening to the psychological analysis of the woman opposite him, Mo Xiang felt that it was quite reliable.

It's just that he didn't agree with the last sentence.

"I don't think I have anything to confuse."

What he said was also very straightforward, and there was a trace of suspicion in the eyes of Xi Manwei.


"Jasmine, you mean he went to see Dr. Xi Manwei?" Qi Sichen looked at Jasmine in disbelief.

It really didn't occur to him.

According to what he knew about Mo Xiang, how could he listen to Jasmine and Ouyang Yueyue.

And go see a psychiatrist.

It's really something unique.

"Do you think this is strange? In fact, I have the same feeling as you."

When Qi Sichen handed them this psychiatrist's business card, he also had a lot of concerns.

But even so, it was done.

Either way, it's a good start.


"Mr. Mo, I'm bluntly saying that if you don't cooperate with my treatment, the knot in your mind can't be untied no matter what."

Mo Xiang glanced at Xi Manwei again, "Are you so sure? Then I would like to hear what treatment plan you gave me."

Originally, he came here just to make a show for Jasmine and the others, and to shut their mouths.

To save myself from always being in my ear in the future, annoying myself with side-talking.

But I didn't expect that after coming here, I would act as if I really had some mental illness.

I really don't know if this so-called psychiatrist is in collusion with them.

Looking at his expression and movements, Xi Manwei knew what kind of state of mind he was in right now.

Such a person has long been familiar with himself.

"Mr. Mo, you need to accept my psychological counseling unconditionally. At the same time, in order to consolidate the treatment situation, you must also accept hypnotherapy. If you have no objection, please sign here."

As she spoke, she lightly tapped the Enter key on the keyboard.

Soon, a contract will be printed.

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