Very pure and cute: diamond rich come on a blind date

Chapter 3021 persistent misunderstanding

In fact, anyone with a discerning eye can see it.

There must be a conflict between Qi Sichen and Ouyang Yueyue.

This surprised Jasmine a bit.

Qi Sichen looked at her and nodded, "She may have misunderstood me."

As he spoke, he took Jasmine's hand and walked in the opposite direction.

"Shall I explain it to her for you?"

Both are my friends, and it feels awkward to be between them, and neither side seems to be able to help.

"No, I didn't make it clear to her at first. I will find a chance to explain to her then."

As he said that, he changed his smiling face, "I invite you to eat ice cream today."


Ouyang Yueyue returned to her dormitory angrily.

"Yueyue, what's the matter with you. When you went out in the morning, you were still happy, but when you came back, your face stretched three feet. Is it because they think you are too heavy, so they won't carry you upstairs?"

The events of last night could not help but go away.

Almost everyone who lives in this dormitory knows about it.

When Feifei Sun saw her, she just wanted to make a joke and didn't have any malicious intentions.

But Ouyang Yueyue ignored her, walked to her bed, picked up a pillow and threw it on the ground vigorously, "All men are liars!"

Now, not only Feifei Sun, but even Jiu Jiu who just entered the room were confused.

"What happened to Yueyue?"

Feifei Sun shrugged helplessly, "I don't know, I just made a joke, that's how she is."

Jiujiu seemed to have guessed something, and took Yueyue's hand, "Does he bully you from time to time?"

Of course he was referring to Mo Xiang.

"He didn't just bully me. I didn't expect him to lie to me even by his name. It was a waste of me trusting him foolishly and doing so many things for him."

Lie by name?

This felt even more inexplicable.

Could it be that the name Mo Xiang is really fake?Or maybe he already knew who he was...

If this is the case, what is Mo Xiang thinking?

"You mean his name wasn't Mo Xiang?" Jiujiu asked tentatively.

"Nonsense, Mo Xiang is Mo Xiang, he is him. That good brother of yours, Qi Sichen!"

Wow, that's enough information.

Feifei Sun even felt that she had heard it wrong.

"Yueyue, do you mean that you know Qi Sichen? And you like him? It turns out that Mo Xiang, who looks so similar to Qi Sichen, is just a spare tire."

Such explosive information is really incredible.

"Feifei, don't talk nonsense. My brother has a girlfriend. There must be some misunderstanding here."

After talking for a long time, he took Yueyue's hand again, wanting to clarify the matter, "Can you explain clearly how my brother lied to you with his name."

"When I mention this, I get angry. I always call him Qi Qizhen, and he has never objected. Besides, he works in your brother's company and calls me around every day, but he even pretends not to know him. Do you think your brother is a big liar?"

That's what happened.

Jiujiu and Sun Feifei finally understood.

"Yueyue, I think there is some misunderstanding between you. He will distinguish between public and private at work, but he won't even lie to you about his name."

Jiujiu knew his brother very well, and he would never have thought that it would be like what Yueyue said.

Why is it necessary to lie to her about her name?

"You and him are brother and sister, of course you will speak for him, remember, don't mention him in front of me in the future. Go back and tell him not to appear in my sight."

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