Jiujiu felt more and more excited.

This is a memory exclusive to their siblings.

The body trembled slightly.

"Brother you..."

She couldn't help calling Mo Xiang the title she had wanted to call all along.

I have been looking forward to it for more than ten years, and I thought this was a luxury.

Never thought of it.

Happiness came really suddenly.

Mo Xiang looked down at her, and saw something sparkling in her eye sockets.

In front of many people, he is a hard-hearted person.

But that's not to say he's the same for everyone.

He can feel the mood of Jiu Jiu at this moment.

But even so, I didn't feel that way at all.

There was still a calm face on his face.

"In terms of age, this title is okay. But I know what kind of emotion you bring. I don't think it suits me."

"You brought me here, and only our brothers and sisters know the story that happened here. If you weren't, who would it be?"

Jiujiu freed one hand and took his arm. "Since that incident happened, I often recall the story between my two elder brothers here when I was a child. No matter what it is, the feeling is so beautiful."

Mo Xiang raised his hand, and gently brushed Jiu Jiu's hand off his arm.

"I'm sorry, but for me, this place is just some meaningless illusion. There were so many people at that time, maybe I was just one of those people."

After speaking, he restarted the car.

Seeing a long time tears have been dripping down one by one.

Picking up the phone, he sent a text message to Qi Sichen with the address here, and asked him to pick it up for a long time.

I don't intend to send her back.

The two were separated by a car, but Mo Xiang didn't leave right away.

Instead, he saw Qi Sichen's car appearing not far away.

He flashed his headlights twice and drove away.

When the two cars crossed, Qi Sichen could clearly see Mo Xiang's silent face.

It's just that he didn't look at himself, but drove by like a passerby.

Qi Sichen was a little surprised that Jiu Jiu and Mo Xiang appeared here.

I asked Jiujiu not to participate in this matter again, why this sister just didn't listen.

Seeing her standing there, she burst into tears.

Qi Sichen's heart, which was supposed to be blaming, softened again.

Holding a handkerchief, he wiped away his sister's tears, and put everything in her hand into the car.

On the way to the meeting, Jiu Jiu was always in a low mood.

"I told you not to participate in this matter before, but you didn't listen, and now you have suffered."

Qi Sichen said, and handed her another tissue.

"What did you bring him here to remind him of something?"

Jiujiu heard that his brother was blaming himself again, and wiped his eyes with a facial tissue.

"You wronged me. I didn't bring him here, but he brought me here."

Qi Sichen felt a little surprised, subconsciously stepped on the brake lightly, and the speed of the car immediately slowed down.

"He brought you here? He didn't..."

The implication is that he doesn't have any impression of the past, he doesn't even recognize his brother, how could he remember there.

"Actually, I don't really understand the specific situation. We met at the school gate. Then he brought me here. Not only that, he also talked about the fight between you and him at the school gate."

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