Looking out of the window, one after another the planes start from the apron, glide with the roar, and take off...

In the terminal building, Qi Yemo organized Jiu Jiu's carry-on luggage again.

This is the first time he has sent his children on a long trip.

Without his company, he was still somewhat uneasy.

"When you get there, you must call us to report that you are safe, okay?"

For her little daughter, Ye Huanyu seemed even more reluctant, especially since this was her first time traveling far away.

But her daughter has grown up, studying abroad is a good thing for her, and it is also the best solution to cultivate her abilities.

In fact, Qi Yemo discussed similar issues with Ye Huanyu years ago.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the new year is over, it is already on the road.

For his parents, Jiu Jiu already had it the day before the trip.

Like many children who are about to fly away independently, the unknown world is infinitely attractive to them.

Similarly, my loved ones are the nostalgia and reluctance left in my heart.

For a long time, I couldn't think about it anymore, so I stayed with my parents and lived with them for the rest of my life.

This looks good too.

However, when her mind wavered, she found Qi Sichen.

He still supports his sister the same way.

At the airport, Qi Sichen held his younger sister in his arms, "Don't worry, I'm here at home."

This sentence made Jiujiu almost shed tears.

Before she left, she had made a plan not to cry in front of her family.

Otherwise, they will feel sad and sad.

"Of course I'm relieved to have my elder brother in charge at home. And oh, when I come back, I'll still see my sister-in-law and little nephew."

These words made Qi Sichen blush.

"You little girl, why are you in such a hurry." She gently pinched Jiu Jiu's flushed face as she spoke.

"Brother let go, if you pinch my face, no one will want it. You want me to be an old girl forever."

With a smile, but my heart has begun to cry.

Speaking of this question, it seemed like it was time to remind her.

Qi Sichen had a serious expression on his face, "You should always pay attention to your safety when you are outside alone, you know. Go to classmate gatherings as little as possible, and even if you do, don't drink."

"Got it, got it. Such a mother-in-law. No wonder Sister Jasmine hasn't married you yet."

As he spoke for a long time, he looked up and glanced at the boarding information.

"It's almost time, I'm boarding the plane." Saying that, he took the luggage from Qi Yemo's hand.

Then left a daughter's kiss on the mother's face.

He walked towards the boarding gate without looking back.

She can't turn back, can't.

I don't want to see my mother's face that has started to cry.

Sitting on the plane, there is a green lawn outside the next window.

On a runway not far away, a plane is slowly landing.

And his plane is slowly starting.

Terminals were left behind.

The nose is aligned with the runway.

The captain received the takeoff order from the tower.

The roar of the engine grew louder.

start up.


Looking at the runway below, gradually, gradually getting farther and farther away from my sight.

I felt a huge thrust behind me, sending myself to the blue sky.

Airports are getting smaller and smaller.

Eventually replaced by a patch of blue with a few clouds passing through.

The plane finally stabilized.

Jiujiu covered the sun visor, took out the prepared eye mask from the bag and put it on.

There was darkness in front of him, and he gradually fell asleep.

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