Very pure and cute: diamond rich come on a blind date

Chapter 3065 The Princess And The Complaint

Talking and laughing, the time of slapstick will pass very quickly.

"Oh! It's almost time. Why aren't you two ready yet?"

Amy looked at Sarah and Lily, these two guys were calm as if nothing happened.

It was the first party of the new term, and Amy took it far more seriously than the final exam.

"Amy, among us, you are the most important thing, okay?"

After speaking, Sarah slowly stood up from the sofa and stretched long.

It has to be said that her waist is really very soft, and her hands can touch the ground with a slight stretch.

This can't be done without a few years of foundation.

"There is really no way, every time you participate, you will become the focus. Amy, no matter how you dress up, you can't change the real time. Besides, what you need is not a man. But I think it may become a star today."

Lily hit Amy mercilessly again.

But regarding her orientation, neither Sara nor Lily, including Jiu Jiu, showed any discriminatory meaning.

This can be clearly reflected from being able to live together with her.

"I'm free to wear whatever I want. Hurry up, especially Sarah, your car is waiting for us."

An hour later, four well-dressed girls appeared at the door of the apartment where Jiu Jiu lived.

From time to time, it will cause passers-by to look sideways or look back.

"The return rate is 80.00% seven." Amy raised one corner of her mouth slightly.

"It should be attributed to Jiu." Lily answered.

"It's her fault. But before she came, it was 70.00% five." Amy argued.

"It's not bad, but without you, we are at least 80.00%." ​​Sarah stood in front of her red Chevrolet car door and poured cold water on Amy.

Sitting in the car, Jiu Jiu smiled wryly to himself, he only contributed 20.00% to 25 of his appearance to this small group.

Sarah drove, Lily sat in the passenger seat, and Amy and Jiu Jiu sat in the back.

This is a 1956 Chevrolet BelAir convertible.

From the bright and clean appearance and interior, there is no taste of old cars at all.

It was a present from her father when Sarah came of age.

Girls have a special flavor when driving.

However, after she took over, she made some small changes to the car, such as installing an MP3 and Bluetooth car stereo.

Lily plugged the USB she carried with her into the interface.

Immediately, the four speakers on the side door and the subwoofer speakers placed behind made almost deafening roars.

To my surprise, in the quiet campus, the birds perched on the trees scattered and fled.

"Oh, my God. Can you keep your voice down." Sara patted the steering wheel hard and complained.

Not far away, there was a warning from the security guard: "Sarah, if you continue to cause noise pollution in the future, I will definitely ask your father to tow this car away."

"Look, I'm taking the blame for you again."

Lily looked at her not apologetically, but with a cheerful smile, "Don't worry about them, haven't you said this no less than ten times?"

However, she quickly lowered her voice a lot.

Sitting in the back row for a long time, I don't feel a little sad for that security guard.

Can't help but think of a fable.

"Jiu, why are you laughing again?" Amy saw the expression on her face.

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