For the sudden compliment, especially if it is still a stranger.

After a long time, I feel more and more embarrassed.

I could only smile slightly, "Thank you."

"She's my new roommate, her name is Jiu, and she's from China." Amy's mouth was really fast enough. Before Jiujiu could introduce herself, Jiu answered first.

"China. I have been there. It has an ancient culture, a lot of people, and a lot of food. It's just that the time is too short. I will still go there if I have the opportunity."

Sophie's eyes flashed an unconcealable longing.

"No problem. When you come to China, you must come to me and take you to more interesting places."

"That's really great. Long time, let's be casual here, juice, beer and snacks, just like being at home. I'm sorry, there are still many friends who need to say hello."

As Sophie said, she turned and walked towards the swimming pool.

"She is the initiator of today's party. This is her vacation home. She is a top student in the Faculty of Arts. She is a very nice person and a friend worth making."

Amy, who has always been not very forgiving, has a high opinion of Sophie.

With that said, a group of four walked into the villa through the swimming pool.

There are more than 20 people here, and three or two are in a circle talking with each other.

But when the four of them appeared at the door, almost everyone stopped talking and focused their eyes on them.

It cannot be denied that whether it is Amy, Sarah or Lily, they are all popular characters in this school.

They didn't necessarily know anyone else, but almost all the seniors knew them.

This highly anticipated scene made Jiu Jiu feel a little cramped and a little nervous, but it was not enough to lose his composure or let others see his uneasiness.

"Hi, Amy, you are so beautiful today. Would you like a drink?" A white boy in a suit came to them with two glasses of wine, and then handed one to Amy.

"Thank you." Amy took the wine glass with a smile.

After clinking glasses crisply, he raised his head and finished the wine.

There was a round of applause immediately.

"Oh, here you come, dear. My black pearl."

Behind them, a man's voice suddenly came, and a pair of big hands hugged Sarah from behind.

This startled Lily and Jiujiu.

It's just that Sara was just picky by Yanmei, with a sullen face as if she was very unhappy: "You bastard, let me go, or I will be rude to you!"

In fact, she had already recognized the voice of the basketball captain George.

Apparently there was another quarrel between them.

Sarah broke free from George's hand, turned around and gave him a slap.


"Oh!" The crowd shouted for a while.

George is the captain of the basketball team. He is usually majestic in front of others, but he didn't expect to be beaten by a woman today.

This made Jiujiu feel a little worried for Sarah.

George's figure is very strong, if he is really irritated, I am afraid that no one here is his opponent.

But unexpectedly, George, who was slapped, was not angry, but smiled on his face: "What's the matter, baby, haven't you calmed down yet? As long as you relieve your anger, you can hit me a few more times."

"What a cheap man!" Lily couldn't see it anymore.Although she fights with Sarah all day long.

"What did you say, say it again!"

It doesn't matter how Sarah treats George, but according to other people, George immediately changed his face and gave Lily a vicious look.

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