Soon, Sarah was taken away by the ambulance that arrived.

This sudden incident also made everyone lose their will to continue playing here.

After drinking too little, they all went back one after another.

As for the few 'drunkards' lying on the ground, we can only let them fall asleep on the spot.

Fortunately, the temperature of the ground here will not allow these people to sleep overnight without catching cold or getting sick.

Sarah was sent away, her car is still here.

But before sending her to the ambulance, Lily got her car keys.

Only in this way can she, Amy and Jiu Jiu return to the 'House of Love' where they live.

It was already the middle of the night, and the whole person seemed to have collapsed.

The spirit is a little more relaxed, coupled with the effect of alcohol before.

They couldn't support their bodies anymore, so they went back to their rooms and fell asleep.

I don't know how long it took, but it was the birds chirping outside the window that woke up Jiujiu.

Opening his sleepy eyes, the sunlight outside had already entered the room.

Her head hurt a little, but she still sat up from the bed stiffly.

After a long time, he gradually became sober.

The first thing she thought of was whether Sarah was still in the hospital at this time, was there something wrong?

Hastily got into the bathroom and changed into a new set of clothes before coming out.

When he walked out of his room, the doors of the other three rooms were not closed.

First of all, I rushed to the door of Sarah's bedroom for a long time. The curtains inside were open, and the room was a bit messy.

Not that but the bed was empty.

He stopped at the door of Amy and Lily's room again.

The curtains were also not drawn, but the two of them were sleeping soundly in their own beds.

Should we wake them up...

While hesitating, the phone in the living room rang.

This is a public phone, but Jiujiu has never seen anyone here use it.

And it is also very cooperative and has never sounded, just like a dispensable decoration here.

Maybe the phone will be used for some important event, Jiujiu thought so, and at the same time walked quickly to pick it up.

The voice from the microphone seemed familiar.

"Thank goodness you didn't take the old thing down. Are you Amy or Lily?"

"They're still resting, I'm Jiu. What's the matter?"

"Oh, I'm Sophie. We met the initiators of the party last night. No wonder they didn't answer the phone, maybe they turned off the phone."

"Yes, I'm very impressed with you. What's the matter?"

"It's Sarah's business."

As soon as he heard it was about her, Jiu Jiu immediately became a little more energetic.

Moreover, hearing Sophie's low tone, there was some ominous premonition.

"What happened to Sarah?"

Sophie heard the urgency in Jiujiu's voice, and quickly comforted her: "Jiu, don't worry. I mean, I went to the hospital to see Sara this morning. Her life was not in danger, but she was still in a coma. Medicine or something."

It took a long time to feel relieved.

take medicine...

It's really unbelievable, she shouldn't do such a thing, especially in the case of a broken relationship.

"Jiu, are you listening?"

Sophie didn't respond on the other end of the phone.

"I'm listening. Thank you, Sophie, for passing on. I'll see her with Amy and Lily in a moment."

After hanging up the phone, I didn't care about anything for a long time, and rushed into Amy and Lily's room to wake them up one by one.

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