"What's the matter, sister, why are you calling me at this time because you can't solve it yourself?"

Qi Sichen, who had just returned from exercising outside early in the morning, received a call from his younger sister as soon as he entered the room.

"Brother..." Qi Sijiu was in a very contradictory mood at the moment, so he told the whole thing on the phone.

"What should I do? It is indeed an opportunity for me, but for those... I'm afraid I won't be able to accept it and disappoint the professor."

"That's the matter." Qi Sichen smiled faintly, "Actually, don't you already have the answer in your heart? You just made this call to let me test your confidence again, right?"

Maybe it was really seen through his thoughts, and he fell silent again for a long time.

"Listen for a long time, we all have times of fear. But often behind the fear is another bright sky. You are a girl, and I know this is a worse pass for you. But you still have to cross this One step. Don't forget, you are from the Qi family."

The Qi family...

This is an honor, but it is also a responsibility, and it is also a guide that cannot give oneself any retreat.

Putting down the phone for a long time, she lay quietly on her bed, wanting to sleep, but tossing and turning again.


A new day, is a drizzling weather.

The cool breeze from the balcony made the curtains flutter.

The light flickered and shone on the opposite wall.

There was no movement outside the room.

It is estimated that the three are still sleeping soundly.

Jiujiu packed up and walked out of his room.

Unsurprisingly, the living room was already in a mess.

The empty wine bottles and glasses were placed casually on the coffee table covered with peanut shells and sugar wrappers.

The same is true on the ground.

This is a little too much for these three young ladies.This happens once or twice a week.

But I don't have the habit of jewelry, maybe I want to find some time to interview them, how did they get through this kind of life before.

But the thought of their room was interrupted immediately.

Because the chaos there is even more unimaginable.

I really can't figure out how a girl's room can become like this.

Perhaps the comments on the Internet about the dirty and messy boys' dormitory should be changed.

More than an hour later, the sound of cooking and the smell of food came from the kitchen.

"What kind of smell is this? It's so fragrant."

"It seems to taste like a Chinese restaurant in Chinatown. Which of you ordered Chinese food?"

Amy and Sara came out smelling the fragrance.

The last one to come out was Lily.

It seemed that she didn't sleep well last night, she looked like she had two panda eyes.

"Honey, what's wrong with you?" Sarah looked at her with sympathy.

"Of course it's because I drank too much last night and didn't sleep well, so I don't need to ask." Lily gave her an angry look.

"Lily, if you didn't tell me, I thought it was the latest smoky makeup. I'll make it up for you again, so that no one will suspect it when I go out."

Amy gestured like a cosmetics salesperson in a store.

"Forget it, I don't want you to paint my face with dead make-up stuff."

Obviously, Lily hated this even more.

However, the small dispute between the three was completely resolved after Jiu Jiu served the last dish.

Rather, it was conquered.

"Jiu, I didn't expect you to do these things. You are very cunning, and you have been here for so long without showing your skills."

Amy said, picking up a piece of cake with a fork "What is this?"

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