It has to be said that a person's potential will be stimulated under special circumstances.

Walking into Professor Robin's studio, he is like a professional tour guide, introducing his 'collection'.

The various organs and tissues of the human body are placed in the two rows of cabinets.

Part of it comes from organ donors, while the other part is pathological specimens made under scientific research permits.

Standing in front of them for a long time.

These are also what I saw in my textbooks, or some of the only samples in the school sample room.

After all, in the original discipline, there is no need to see more specimens.

And now it's different.

In other words, the professor felt that she should know about these existences.

"The photos here record some cases that I have helped the police handle. It is only a small part. I would be happy to show you more if you are interested. But you need to do more thinking Prepare."

The professor seemed to be in a very good mood.

Finally, Jiu Jiu's gaze fell on the table.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce you. This is Mr. X. He was sent over just two days ago."

This is a middle-aged Caucasian man, who looks roughly between forty and fifty.

With his eyes closed, he looked so peaceful.

"On the surface, it looked like he died of a heart attack. But after the police tested him, it turned out that was not the case. It just so happened that I was finishing the last case for them at that time, so they naturally wanted me Check it out."

He looked at him like he was looking at an old friend.

There is no boundary between life and death, calm and natural.

"Jiu, what do you think, I'd like to hear it."

The problem was thrown in front of his eyes, which really made him unprepared for a long time.

"I..." I was at a loss for words for a moment, not knowing how to start.

"Don't worry, think it through and talk. People in this industry must first be calm. Only with a clear mind can they find out the truth. Otherwise, they will only blindfold their eyes."

After hearing what the professor said, Jiu Jiu felt a little ashamed.

This subject is chosen by oneself, and one should think about what will be encountered in the future.

This is another very profound education and ideological guidance for myself.

Just because of the professor's words, Jiu Jiu's heart became much calmer.

His eyes were also on that Mr. X.

"I can see that he has a peaceful expression. He should have never suffered any pain. He should have passed away in his sleep."

The professor stood aside and nodded slightly: "I thought so too at the beginning, but the strange thing is that he never had any medical history. In other words, he was healthy before his death."

I was healthy before my death...

Looking at him for a long time, I was thinking quickly in my mind.

Suddenly, she thought of one thing.

"Death in a healthy condition may be related to what he drank or ate before. Some of these things have a paralyzing effect on the nerves. In other words, he should have died of poisoning."

This time, the professor nodded approvingly: "That's right, he was indeed poisoned to death. The poison in him is a kind of neurotoxin, colorless and odorless. And after people take them, they don't have any symptoms of poisoning. But It can be regarded as murder without form."

"Since this is the case, how should we write this report next? A nerve agent that kills people invisible?"

The professor continued to throw questions to Jiu Jiu.

Obviously, this is actually beyond the professional scope of her studies.

Especially for a freshman.

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