Compared with Ouyang Yueyue, what Jiu Jiu encountered might be the kind of unimaginable.

However, the only luckier than her is that her roommate is indeed very funny and cute.

Qi Sijiu looked up at the big screen of Nasdaq, which was constantly scrolling the stock price index of that day.

Behind these cold numbers, there is a sensitive string in the hearts of hundreds of millions of people.

But no matter whether the index rises or falls, it can't affect the mood of Jiujiu and Ouyang Yueyue at the moment.

They flagged a passing yellow taxi headed to Broadway, where the classic opera Cats was being performed

When the two girls were aimless, coming here seemed to be the best place to go.

No popcorn and juice drinks here.

But the music was melodious, and the performance attracted the attention of the whole audience to the stage.

"Maybe, when we become a cat, it will be faster."

After the opera ended, standing at the gate of Broadway, Yueyue couldn't help expressing such emotions.

"Come on, you, don't make a sentimental look, this is not your character at all. Go back early, wash and sleep, and welcome a brand new day. As for your roommates, I can only say that you can't Go change them, and they can't change you either. But it's a good result if you live in peace. It's better than my roommates who can be noisy, at least you can rest early."

For a long time, from the bottom of my heart, I really envy Ouyang Yueyue a little bit.Do your homework and study quietly without being disturbed by anyone.

However, fate just made a small joke with herself, and it seemed that she felt that the life she yearned for was too monotonous.

Life needs passion, especially at her age.

It should be like Amy's crazy play, like Sarah's love and hate, like Lily's other hobbies.

It's just that the good girls who are taught by the education system always have a small barrier in their hearts.

She can see the beauty on the opposite side, but she dare not or can't lift her foot to step over it.

After a short journey, Jiu Jiu returned to the House of Love again.

It's very late.

I thought that when I opened the door, I could see the three of them sitting in front of the sofa, each holding a bucket of popcorn, watching the midnight movie on the TV intently.

Pushing open the door, the whole room was very quiet.

I didn't turn on the lights, but from the moonlight projected from the windows in each room, it seemed that only myself came back.

Amy probably got another call from Mrs. Wilson and went off to make up the deceased.

Lily may have a new rehearsal plan for the drama club today, because I saw her studying "A Midsummer Night's Dream" two days ago.

As for Sara...

Having walked out of the shadow of love left by George, maybe she has a new goal or a new suitor.

Maybe the captain of the soccer or rugby team.

She doesn't seem to have much resistance to people with well-developed athletic functions.

This is also very good, they are all busy, and I feel that I can feel more at ease here.

After taking a comfortable shower, I wrapped my wet hair tightly with a dry towel, and then turned on the computer. It was time to tell my parents that I was safe.

"Hi, how are you all?"

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