Very pure and cute: diamond rich come on a blind date

Chapter 313 Chapter 318, she actually appeared in the newspaper

And he, maybe he will never know that she is the woman who gave birth to him five years ago.

The moment the necklace was returned to its original owner, she deeply understood:

From now on, in her life, the words Qi Yemo will no longer exist.

It's like a dream, but it's so real.



The next morning.

Ye Huanyu's mother and son still cuddled softly to sleep.

Knock Knock Knock~!

There was a hasty knock on the door, waking up the sweet dreams of the mother and son.

Ye Huanyu, who cried silently all night last night, was so tired that she didn't fall asleep until almost dawn, she was really exhausted.

But the knocking on the door didn't seem to stop, it kept on knocking.

She stretched out her hand impatiently, pushed the youngest son's body, and signaled him to open the door.

"Hmm..." Yang Yang mumbled, and simply buried his little head in the pillow, and continued to sleep soundly.

Knock knock knock!

Another burst of soul-chasing knocks!

Gritting her teeth, she, who was already in a bad mood, sat up quickly, stepped on her slippers, and rushed to the gate angrily and with disheveled hair——


The moment the door opened, before she could even open her eyes, she was stunned by a huge mammoth-like idiot!

No, to be precise, it's an adult idiot in mammoth pajamas!

After swallowing, Ye Huanyu roared, "Yun Bufan! You came early in the morning to disturb people's dreams, you are childish!"

Yun Bufan put his waist down, and didn't mind the childish mammoth pajamas on his body. The shameful thing is that this pajamas obviously didn't fit his size, and the hands and feet were a lot shorter.

He looked Ye Huanyu up and down, "Wow, Miss Xili, please comb your hair before opening the door, your eyes are swollen like walnuts."

Ye Huanyu couldn't be bothered to deal with this psychopath. Ever since he moved across from her house and became her neighbor, this guy has never stopped bothering their mother and child!

"Yun Bufan, I'll give you three seconds—" After she finished speaking, she made a gesture to close the door again.

Yun Bufan hurriedly stretched out one foot to the door to prevent her from closing the door, "Hey, hey, I really have something urgent!"

While talking, he raised the newspaper in his hand——

"Here, this morning's newspaper." Then he pointed to the side page of the newspaper and asked, "The woman in this photo is you, right?"

Ye Huanyu's eyes were startled, and he picked it up.With his messy hair, he pulled out the newspaper in Yun Bufan's hand, and widened his eyes——

The photos in the newspaper were clearly from last night.In the Qing restaurant, the scene where Qi Yemo slapped Liu Chengze's cheek with a hot spoon!

In the photo, except for Qi Yemo who only has the back of his head and back, Qin Huo has his head down, while she and Liu Chengze have clear profiles!


She gasped!

Why did it appear in the newspaper so early in the morning?

What's even more frightening is that the name of the title reads: [The manager of the well-known movie star Soso went on a blind date with a strange woman and was brutally beaten]

That's right, the reason why this news was able to make it to such a large side page was entirely because of Soso!

As long as there are people or events related to Soso, gossip paparazzi often catch the wind and magnify it infinitely.

However, Ye Huanyu did not expect that Liu Chengze was actually Soso's manager!

Fortunately, Qi Yemo was not photographed in front of him.

She was slightly relieved, otherwise Song Ruling might make a big fuss again when she saw this.

"How is it, is it you?" Yun Bufan immediately leaned over gossiping, and asked with a smile, "Wow, if I knew you were going on a blind date, you might as well consider me!"

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