Right now, the three things Qi Yemo and Ye Huanyu have in mind are all related to their children.

Qi Sichen's marriage, youngest daughter Qi Sijiu's study abroad, and Qi Siyang's whereabouts.

After a long time of studying abroad for a year, he returned to their side.

As for the two sons...

When Qi Sichen's marriage was mentioned, both of them looked at the driving son at the same time.

At the same time, Jasmine, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, blushed again.


Mid-level villa.

Today is different from the past, it is extraordinarily lively.

At the dinner party for Jiujiu, everyone laughed happily.Many of them were asking about Jiujiu's life and study in the United States.

As for what happened there, naturally they don't know.These things were suppressed by Qi Yemo, Qi Sichen and his son.Even Ye Huanyu didn't know about it.

"Jiujiu, a big news happened in your place a few months ago. A leader of the GJ club was arrested by the police."

This is a matter in the legal profession, how could Yun Bufan not know.

It's just that he doesn't know too much inside information.As for the participation of You Jiujiu, I don't even know.

Ouyang Yueyue's interview with Jiu Jiu was also treated specially, outsiders didn't know who was the one who really made him guilty.

It was Professor Robin who showed up, and as the main person in charge.

For one thing, he was indeed in charge of the case.The second is to protect Jiujiu.

Hearing Bufan's father's question, Jiujiu, who was originally in a good mood, paused for a while.Qi Yemo also gave his son Qi Sichen a wink.

They don't want this matter to be revealed.

However, Jiujiu smiled slightly after a short pause: "That case is quite famous in our place, and my supervisor was responsible for it. He is indeed a very outstanding scholar who I admire very much."

Naturally, Jiu Jiu put all the credit on Professor Robin.

"It is indeed a very good old expert. I have heard some cases he has handled before, almost every classic."

Yun Bufan nodded in agreement frequently.

"Can you stop talking about beatings and killings at the dinner table, and tell others not to eat." Annie, who was sitting next to him, protested.

"Understood, my Majesty the Queen." Yun Bufan pretended to be very frightened.There was laughter at the dinner table.

At this moment, another person walked into the restaurant: "I'm sorry I'm late."

Said that the man sat beside Luo Qiao.

"Uncle Vulcan, where have you been? I've been back for a long time today, and I didn't go to the connection machine. How dare I come here for dinner. Did you go out to raise Xiaomi?" Luo Qiao looked unhappy.

Qin Huo disappeared early in the morning, and he didn't know where he was going or what he was doing.

In other words, he doesn't have to hang around behind Qi Yemo's ass like before.It's really a bit confusing to come out so suddenly.

With Qin Huo's size, he was able to stand on his own outside anyway.But in front of Luo Qiao, he became like a sick cat.

"I, I have something to do..."

"Hmph. Seeing how you are stammering, of course something is wrong. When will you bring that little elf over here for us to see!" He stared at him as he spoke.

Suddenly, the atmosphere at the table dropped a few degrees.Not to mention, Luo Qiao has made several films in recent years, especially those in Qing Palace.The aura that the queen is still a concubine has increased a lot.

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