In a blink of an eye, the New Year has passed, and the traditional Lunar New Year is coming.

This year's Spring Festival seems to have come a little later than before.

But it didn't affect everyone's enthusiasm for the festival that has been going on for thousands of years.

One month before the Spring Festival, people have already started to prepare.The streets and alleys are full of eager anticipation for the coming Spring Festival.

Compared with other people, this Spring Festival of the Qi family seems to have a special meaning——

At the dinner party to welcome Jiu Jiu, Qi Sichen announced to all the elders that the wedding will be held on the first day of the first lunar month.

The bride is Jasmine sitting beside her.

For the Qi family who haven't experienced a happy event for a long time, this is indeed a great happy event.

In fact, during the year that Jiu Jiu left, everyone talked about this matter with Qi Sichen more than once.

But he refused on the grounds that it would be better to wait a little while and it was not the time yet.

He has been a child with very positive ideas since he was a child. As long as he makes a decision, no matter what, he must achieve his goal.

After so many years, how can everyone not know.It's just that Ye Huanyu felt a little heartbroken seeing that Jiujiu also left the Qi family.

But I didn't expect that Qi Sichen would take the initiative to announce his marriage just when everyone didn't mention it anymore.

This time, the entire Qi family got busy.Not only that, the news spread to the Qi family's old house very quickly.

Both Qi Feiyuan and Qi Yan were very surprised when they heard the news.

Ever since Qi Yemo left the Qi family's old house and moved to a villa in the middle of the mountain, he seldom contacted her again.

"Second brother, you can hold back too much. Your son is sneaky when he gets married, as if there is something shameful. Besides, even if you want to keep a low profile, you don't even have to hide it from the old house. I don't know Is it because you don't regard us as the Qi family, or you don't regard yourself as the Qi family."

On the phone, Qi Yan asked a series of questions like a cannonball, which made Qi Yemo frown.

I haven't contacted him for so many years, but I didn't expect his eloquence to improve a lot.

"Don't you know that? Don't miss the congratulatory gift then."

"" The sudden sentence really made Qi Yan choke.

"I said Qi Er, I called you to discuss whether you have taken our brother seriously, so why did you ask us for a gift?"

"I've never been polite to those who take the initiative to come to your door. Remember, be more prepared, otherwise you have to be careful of your messy scandals. Don't blame me for not reminding you."

"I know, I will never say that again next time. Otherwise, I will fade out of the entertainment industry!" Qi Yan said through gritted teeth and hung up the phone.

"It's been so many years, I thought Qi Er's temper would become better under Huan'er's transformation, but I didn't expect it to be the same as before. It seems that we are shy to post to him when we made this call."

Qi Yan was really angry.They are all brothers from my own family, and they passed away with good intentions, but they were greeted with such a lukewarm sentence, not even a thank you.

Sitting on the sofa, Qi Feiyuan, who was slowly drinking tea, looked calm.

He knew Qi Yemo better.Been through so many things, so many years.

Although Qi Yemo's style is a bit different, his heart is different from before.

"Brother, tell me if he is..." Qi Yan raised his hands and drew circles out of thin air, "Why are we going to love and stick his cold ass."

"Third, after so many years, you still don't know his temper. I know, he still cares about the relationship between us brothers. Otherwise, how could the scandal between you and fans that you caused last year be suppressed so quickly Go down. It's not all about him secretly helping you."

These words were true, at that time the matter of Qi Yan and his female fans could no longer be covered up, as soon as Qi Yan was exposed, he was about to leave the entertainment industry.

Another news came out of nowhere about that fan who had ruined another well-known artist with the 'fairy dance'.

In addition, the police quickly dispatched the police and arrested the fan and his behind-the-scenes accomplices in one fell swoop.

Let Qi Yan get through the crisis smoothly.

At first, Qi Yan just thought it was his luck.But Qi Yuxi is also secretly investigating this matter.In the end, he learned that it was his second uncle Qi Yemo who helped Qi Yan behind the scenes.

At the same time, Qi Feiyuan also knew about it.And told Qi Yan.

Qi Yan had to deal with some other things at that time, so he forgot such things as Qi Yemo's thank you.This delay is a very long time.

Qi Feiyuan's mention made him immediately think of it.

Qi Yan knew that he was ashamed in his heart, but he was still a little shameless, but his momentum was much weaker: "Then you can't put on such a face for me. Anyway, it's a brotherhood."

Qi Feiyuan looked at him with a faint smile and continued to take a sip of tea: "Okay, you and him are both bad tempered, so don't pick on anyone else."


As the wedding day approached, Qi Sichen and Jasmine's affairs became more and more frequent.

Originally, they wanted to move out of the Banshan Villa after they got married, but Qi Yemo flatly refused.

As the eldest son, he should live with his parents.Qi Sichen didn't raise any objections either, and followed his parents' wishes.

As for Jasmine, let alone, her relationship with Ye Huanyu has always been good, not like mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, but more like mother and daughter.

Sometimes Jiujiu, the real biological daughter, is a little jealous.

However, that little bit of jealousy is nothing more than acting like a baby in front of my mother, and it will pass away, and it won't go to my heart at all.

Besides, the relationship between her and Jasmine is like sisters.This can be regarded as fulfilling one of her wishes since she was a child.

A wedding dress is the most perfect wedding dress that a girl has dreamed of since she was a child.Jasmine's wedding dress is naturally not inferior.

Qi Sichen personally designed for her, and hired a top-level clothing production team to tailor it for her.

"Sister-in-law, my brother is so kind to you. He designed a dress for you by himself. He never designed clothes for me since I was a child."

Jiujiu complained while helping Jasmine try on the dress that had just been finalized.

Jasmine didn't say a word, her heart was full of sweetness and shyness at the moment.

Qi Sichen, who just walked in, heard it all, and he patted his sister's shoulder dotingly: "How could I design your clothes. It must be reserved for the person who loves you the most."

As he spoke, he came to Jasmine and looked his future wife up and down.

Worthy of being a first-class team, they have given full play to their design concepts.Wearing it on Jasmine's body, it can only be called perfect.

Seeing his expression, Jasmine became even more shy.

It's just that none of them noticed, and left silently for a long time at this moment.


She went back to her room and turned on the computer.The desktop image is of her and Charlie.Since returning to China, I have never heard from him again, no phone calls, not even emails.

He seemed to disappear instantly the moment he boarded the plane.

Although Jiujiu still felt some pain in his heart, he also felt that this might be a good thing.

At least in the days to come, I can forget about the relationship that had no result, even the beginning.

Besides, another person who has no news or whereabouts is Qi Siyang.His phone seems to be in a state of never being answered, but there is always power, no matter when he calls.

As for his whereabouts, even Qi Sichen became helpless.Human abilities are very limited.Absolutely nothing can be done as desired.

At this time, only Ouyang Yueyue would call from time to time to talk about her life in the United States and ask about the domestic situation.

From the phone, it can be heard that she is still full of hope for life there.

Isn't this good, at least there is one person who can make me feel that I don't need to worry.

"Tuktuk..." There was a soft knock on the door.

"Come in, the door is unlocked." Sitting in front of the computer for a long time, the whole person felt as if he had no bones and didn't want to get up.

The door opened from the outside, and Qi Sichen walked in.Judging by her appearance, she seems to have guessed something.

Walking to her side, he raised his hand to caress her soft long hair: "Time really flies fast enough, our little princess is already an adult in a blink of an eye."

"Aren't you too? I'm going to get married in a few days and become someone's husband. But in retrospect, we seem to have grown up after having a dream when we were young. But I don't like this feeling. When we grow up, It seems that a lot of happiness is missing."

Ever since he was a child, Jiujiu has been willing to share many of his thoughts with his brother besides his mother.

And they always give her a perfect explanation.

Qi Sichen smiled slightly at his sister: "Did you remember him?"

"Him? How could I..." Jiu Jiugang lost his voice because he had never mentioned the matter with Charlie to his family.Suddenly his face turned slightly red.He didn't dare to look down at his brother.

"There's nothing to be shy about. These are just the inevitable path of life. You haven't made any mistakes." Qi Sichen still knew something about his younger sister in secret.

This is out of concern for his family and secret protection.Never did any intervention.As long as she wasn't hurt, she should have experienced some.

"I think Charlie is a good person, self-motivated, not bad in nature. More importantly, he is also very good to you."

It has been a long time since he thought that his brother would have such a high opinion of him.But the taller you are, the more disappointed you feel: "So what, we have already broken up."

"If it's just because of the distance, I don't think it's a good choice to separate. The current technology and transportation can solve it very easily. Why not fight for it?"

Smiling bitterly for a long time, he pointed to his empty mailbox: "There is nothing. It seems that he is not as good as you said."

After talking for a long time, she got up, "Dear brother, it's better to go and spend more time with my sister-in-law. Don't let people think that once you get married, you will become neglected."

"You little girl, you say that other people are in the same way, but you don't know anything if you change it to yourself. Well, since you want to be quiet, I won't bother you. But remember one of my advices. It’s not easy to find someone who you think is very suitable.”

"I know, I know. That's a lot of talk."


Standing in the courtyard under the night, watching the fireworks of various colors soaring into the sky in the city below the mountain, listening to the sound of "cracking, crackling" firecrackers one after another.

That strong smell of gunpowder will usher in the Lunar New Year.

The joy of every household.

After this night, it will be the first day of the Lunar New Year, Qi Sichen's big wedding day, which also coincides with Valentine's Day for Westerners.

The hotel is still in the Yemo Hotel, which has a very special meaning to the Qi family and his son.

It was originally a low-key wedding, but under the instigation of big star Qi Yan, it became a big event that caused a sensation in the whole city.

"What do you mean?" Qi Yemo frowned and looked at Qi Yan who was looking smug.He hates other people making decisions for himself the most.But he never expected that it was his third brother who made the master for him.

"Why, the Qi family's wedding is not allowed to be sneaky. You don't care as a father, but as an uncle, I still have to take care of the face of the Qi family."

Qi Yan also went all out, putting on a posture that a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water.Besides, his original intention was not to make Qi Yemo look bad, but to let everyone know that the Qi family is still the world-shaking Qi family.

"Yemo, calm down too, the third brother is also happy for Chenchen, isn't he?" Qi Feiyuan stood in the middle to smooth things over and be a good person.

After Qi Yemo finished speaking, he glared at Qi Yan again, "This is only one time, so it's not an example. I haven't apologized to your second brother yet."

Of course, Qi Yan is also the one who can borrow the donkey from the slope and accept it when he sees it. He said to Qi Yemo with a sincere face: "Second brother is the younger brother's fault, and the budget exceeded today is mine."

It was originally a happy day, and Qi Yemo was no longer the one who was unreasonable and unreasonable.He waved his hand: "Could it be that my son is marrying a wife, and I can't even afford this little money? There are still a few seats at the main table, get out and sit down, I don't want to see you now."

What a knife-mouthed bean curd heart.

Of course, Qi Yan accepted it as soon as he saw it.He walked into the wedding venue in a hurry.

Only then did Qi Feiyuan bring his whole family, like Qi Yemo and Ye Huanyu, to express his congratulations.

Jiujiu, as a bridesmaid, always accompanied Jasmine who was still a little nervous.

Many media called this wedding the "Cinderella and Prince" wedding.

Many people hope that they can have such a wedding, but not everyone can achieve their wish.

The so-called upper class will appeal for many interests, family-style marriages, and "strong alliance" marriages abound.

But can such a marriage be happy?It's not like showing happiness in front of people, but behind the scenes, one is doing the first grade of junior high school, and the other is doing the fifteenth grade.

The marriages of Qi Sichen and Jasmine, their parents, Qi Yemo and Ye Huanyu are not like this.

They are chasing the love they yearn for, and the family has never obstructed them in any way.

Soon, the guests gathered in the auditorium.The salute was fired outside the hotel, and the sound was heard.

Looking at the happy couple in front of them, Qi Yemo and Ye Huanyu suddenly returned to their youthful days.

Many things are vivid.They can recall almost everything.

It's a pity that at this time, the members of the family are not complete.

At this moment, he suddenly felt commotion at the door of the hall behind him.

"Who is this person, how can he look exactly like the groom?"

"He shouldn't be the second young master Qi who was rumored to be missing." Some people know more or less what happened back then.

It suddenly dawned on me when I saw it today.

The discussion quickly reached the ears of Qi Yemo and Ye Huanyu.

They got up and looked back, only to see that standing at the door was indeed their son Qi Siyang, whom they had been thinking about day and night.

Tears welled up in Ye Huanyu's eyes, pushed away the chair in front of him, separated the crowd and ran towards his son.

Qi Siyang also ran to his mother in a few steps.Childhood scenes are recalled in my mind.

"Where the hell did you go, you brat, you miss me so much." Tears flowed down Ye Huanyu's face, punching her son's sturdy chest.

Seeing this, all the people present burst into tears.The reporters are even more flashing.

For a moment they became the focus of everyone's attention.

"Yang, welcome home."

Qi Yemo walked up to his son and embraced the mother and son.

Qi Sichen pulled Jasmine and Jiujiu to their side very quickly.

Finally, the family was reunited.

Reunited on this festive day.

Qi Feiyuan and Qi Yan wiped the tears from the corners of their eyes with tissue paper.

Thunderous applause resounded throughout the hall.

This is a happy event for Qi Yemo's family, and even more so for the entire Qi family.

After the Qi family has gone through ups and downs and ups and downs, they gather here again.

"Wow, it's so lively, how can I be missing." A girl's voice at the door was full of excitement, "President Qi is getting married, why didn't you notify me. If you don't go home for the New Year this year, I'm afraid you will miss it. I wish the two of you an early birth to your precious son."

Ouyang Yueyue walked in from the outside with a smile.

This not only surprised Qi Sichen, but even Jiujiu felt that it came out of nowhere.Since they came back, although they talked on the phone, they never mentioned their return.

It was a surprise attack.

However, soon it was Ouyang Yueyue's turn to be surprised, she saw Qi Siyang.

Her eye sockets were a little wet: "You stinky bastard, why do you still appear in front of my eyes?"

When Qi Siyang saw her again, he couldn't help being a little surprised.But he still reached out and pulled her to his side.

Countless times when I feel lonely, I think of her unconsciously.She is different from other girls.At least for him, it's very special.

Ouyang Yueyue felt that it was really too sudden.Somewhat overwhelmed.Her heart was beating wildly.

"Today is the big wedding day of Mr. Qi Sichen, the president of GT Group. It's really a surprise. His long-lost twin brother showed up, accompanied by a beautiful woman... Could it be that the Qi family is going to have a double happiness? "

The host said excitedly to the camera.This wedding is really too dramatic, it is like a fantasy.

"Finally, our family is gathered together. The wedding will continue!" Qi Yemo finally smiled on his face that was as stern as ever.

The wedding march sounded again.

Surrounded by their loved ones, and under the continuous flashing of spotlights, a couple walked along the red carpet step by step to the witnesses standing in the center of the stage in front of them.

Take the oath.

"Qi Sichen, in front of all the witnesses who came here today, I marry Miss Jasmine as my wife. I give you my hand, I give you my love, and I give you myself. I I pray that I will stay with you forever and never be separated. Please come and walk with me on the road of life, and walk with me on the rough or smooth road.”

"Jasmine, in front of all the witnesses who came here today, I marry Mr. Qi Sichen as my husband. I give you my hand, I give you my love, and I give you myself. I pray that I will stay with you forever and never be separated. Please come and walk with me on the road of life, and walk with me on rough or smooth roads."

The witnesses took their hands and handed them to each other: "I am here to bless you, and hope that you will grow old together and have a precious son soon."

The venue suddenly became more boiling.

But at this time, Jiu Jiu squeezed out of the crowd by himself.

On such a festive occasion, she couldn't help but think of Charlie again.

At this moment she felt a little lonely and sad.

She lowered her head, thoughtful.A bouquet of red roses suddenly appeared in front of her eyes: "Miss, you are the luckiest person today, please accept the flowers I sent you. And promise to associate with me."

Really very bad Chinese.

But Jiujiu sounded like tears filled his eyes.

It's Charlie, it's Charlie's voice!

When I looked up, I saw that familiar smiling face that couldn't be more familiar.

"You, why are you here?" She was amazed at how exactly he found this place.She never talked about her family background, nor did she exchange an email after she came back.

Now he was standing in front of him alive, as if he was dreaming.

"Didn't you stop contacting, why are you still here?"

Seeing her angry, Charlie was immediately at a loss: "Jiu, I'm very sorry, there was something unexpected at home at that time, so... I, I don't know how to explain it to you..."

He is like an ant on a hot pot at the moment, nothing at all.

"Sister, I informed him to come here. He's right, there are some problems at home. But it's almost resolved now. I think you just forgive him once."

Behind them, Qi Sichen's voice came.I don't even know when he appeared here.

Behind him, there are Jasmine, Qi Siyang and Ouyang Yueyue.

"Jiujiu, look at his anxious look, just give him a chance." Ouyang Yueyue also helped smooth things over.

When Charlie was able to appear here, Jiu Jiu had already forgiven him from the bottom of his heart.When other people say this, let him step down this step.

She looked at Charlie, whose face was flushed with anxiety, and smiled slightly: "Okay, I will forgive you this time. But if there is a next time, don't expect me to forgive you again."

"Charlie, do you understand, my sister has forgiven you. We can only help you here."

Seeing this, Charlie became more energetic, raised his right hand and swore: "Jiu, please believe me, I will not leave you. I have decided to come here to develop."

Qi Sichen took Jasmine's hand and looked at each other with a smile.Afterwards, looking at Qi Siyang beside him: "Boy, when will you get married?"

When Ouyang Yueyue heard this, she blushed a lot: "I think young people still put their career first..."

Before she could finish speaking, Qi Siyang snatched the words: "I plan to take her to explore around the world."

"Ah?!" Ouyang Yueyue seemed to have plummeted in an instant, "Why did you go to explore the world, why did you bring me with you. Can I just wait here for you to come back?"

My God, when it comes to adventure, I think of the danger of that car rally.I really don't want to experience it a second time.

But Qi Siyang didn't intend to let her go, and smiled at her: "Because you are a very good navigator."


The son's words:

First of all, Shizi would like to thank everyone for their company and support all the time.

During the serialization of this book, many readers also sent many of their own opinions and suggestions to various problems encountered.The world will accept it humbly.However, no one is perfect, and I implore readers to give Shizi some understanding and understanding.

And I hope everyone can continue to support Shizi.

Life is not smooth sailing, there will be many storms and twists and turns.We are looking for our own life in such a ever-changing life.

I wish all readers to find the way they like in their future life.Be surrounded by people you love and who love you.Live happily ever after.

Love you all, we meet again in the new book, thank you again.

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