Very pure and cute: diamond rich come on a blind date

Chapter 324 The truth, it turned out to be so ridiculous

As he walked out, he said, "Qin Huo, check the satellite positioning of a mobile phone number for me immediately!"

"Yes, master." Qin Huo agreed, and hurriedly covered Qi Yemo with an umbrella, "Master, it's raining so hard, where are you going?"

Qi Yemo paused, and uttered two powerful words in a deep voice:

"Find someone!"

Immediately, he quickly got into the car, and after a while, the car drove into the heavy rain at night...


The sky, rumbling, lightning and thunder.

The Ye residence under the wind and rain was eerily quiet.

Ye Huanyu stood in front of the carved door of the Ye family.

The splashing rainwater splashed on her body layer by layer, pouring her from head to toe.

She didn't know whether it was the rain that blurred her vision, or the tears that colored the pupils.

The moment her trembling fingers pressed the doorbell of Ye's house, her heart ached beyond measure.

"Who is it?" The servant of the Ye family opened the door, but did not recognize this drowned woman at all.

Ye Huanyu pushed open the door forcefully, walked in angrily without saying a word.

Behind him, the servant was still shouting: "Hey, miss, you can't mess around..."


In Ye's house, Liu Fen just changed into her pajamas and was about to fall asleep with Ye Shengtian——

Suddenly, with a bang!

The door was knocked open!

Liu Fen looked up, and saw Ye Huanyu standing at the door, in a panic.Water was still dripping from her body, soaking into the carpet, she shouted in surprise, "Huanhuan, why are you here?"

The servant stood at the door and said timidly, "I'm sorry, sir, madam, I can't stop her."

Liu Fen raised her hand, "That's all, you step back first." The servant agreed.

Ye Huanyu's face became even paler when the servant said "Ma'am"!

A string of drops of water ran across every inch of her skin along the hair, and the coldness, as if piercing into the bones, swept across her whole body!

She opened her legs, and every time she took a step closer to Liu Fen, she felt extremely heavy.

"Ye Huanyu, you damn girl, why did you suddenly come here at night to seek revenge? You're still soaked like this! Don't stain my carpet!" Ye Shengtian sat up quickly, staring at Ye Huanyu.

She didn't pay Ye Shengtian a glance at all, and walked in front of Liu Fen without blinking——

Take a close look at this woman who she has called her mother for more than [-] years from beginning to end!

Liu Fen's aging face, that gentle expression on her face, that gentle voice... were all she cherished most in the past, but now, she is telling her that all of this is a lie!

"Huanhuan, what's wrong with you? Look at you are soaked, change your clothes quickly, don't catch a cold..."


Before Liu Fen finished speaking, she felt dizzy for a while, and a slap was slapped on her cheek without warning!

Ye Shengtian on the side widened his pupils in shock, "What are you doing, hitting you. Mom?!"

"Huanhuan, you—" Liu Fen covered her cheeks with disbelief on her face!

"Shut up!" Ye Huanyu growled in a hoarse voice, his eyes had never been so cold, "Stop calling me Huanhuan hypocritically! Every time you call me, I feel sick! This slap will wake you up, How long are you going to act?!"

Liu Fen frowned, shook her head cowardly, and tears rolled down her face, "Huanhuan, mom doesn't know what you're talking about? What's wrong with you..."

--- Tips ---

Babes, this paragraph may be a bit cruel, everyone hold on!I believe everyone is looking forward to Master Yemo discovering the plot of Yang Yang, what will happen?Please bear with me a little longer, it will still be a hilarious and touching story, thank you for your support, love you all!

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