Very pure and cute: diamond rich come on a blind date

Chapter 327 Those unbearable pasts have answers

It just so happened that Liu Fen also gave birth to An Qi that year, so Ye Shengtian brought Ye Anqi back to the Ye family, and became Ruan Suping's daughter ever since.

"No—" Ruan Suping cried bitterly, "Shengtian, you lied to me! My daughter won't die so early...not..."

Ruan Suping probably did not expect that the fact that is more terrifying than divorce is that the daughter she has loved for more than 20 years is not her own!

Ye Huanyu was also shocked!The deep and sad childish eyes looked at Liu Fen's eyes in despair, "So...

No matter how well I treat you, in the end you still choose to sacrifice me...because she is your daughter..."

It wasn't until this moment that Ye Huanyu deeply understood——

No wonder, for so many years, no matter how Ye Anqi bullied her, Liu Fen never allowed her to fight back!

It's no wonder that Liu Fen wants to enter Ye's house to be Mrs. Ye no matter what!Just because Ye Anqi is her daughter!

Facing Ye Huanyu, Liu Fen felt a little guilty.Turning her eyes away, she dared not look Ye Huanyu in the eyes, "Huanhuan, I am really grateful for your unwavering care all these years, but An Qi is still my flesh and blood..."

"So for your daughter, for the reunion of your family of three, use me to sacrifice me, right?!" Ye Huanyu burst into tears.

Ye Anqi grabbed Liu Fen's arm and frowned disdainfully, "Mom, why do you still care about this kind of person? Ye Huanyu, let me tell you, a wild species is a wild species, and I am my mother's own!"

Ruan Suping was crying at this moment, heartbroken and desperate, but still refused to believe, "No! An Qi...An Qi, don't believe them, you are the mother's daughter, they are all lying to you..."

Ye Anqi glanced at Ruan Suping in disgust, "You accept the reality! Aunt Ruan, although you have treated me well all these years, it is a pity that you have no ability to keep my dad. I was worried about what I would do after you divorced my dad. , Now that I know that I am not your daughter, I am relieved, I am the only heir of the Ye family, and the Ye family will be left to me in the future."

Ruan Suping's heart was ashamed by these heartless words!

"Ye Anqi! What a white-eyed wolf! It was a waste of me holding you in the palm of my hand for so many years, and now I turn my face and deny you!" All Ruan Suping's sadness turned into deep resentment, and her eyes gradually turned cold!

"Aunt Ruan, why bother! At first I thought you were noble and elegant, but now you look like a crazy woman! When you go out in the future, please don't say that you are my father's ex-wife, let alone that I am your daughter !Because from now on, Liu Fen will be my mother..." Ye Anqi spoke so heartlessly that she even forgot that she had been called Ruan Suping's mother for more than [-] years!

Ruan Suping was furious, "What a cold-hearted mother and daughter! Today I'm going to kill you, kill you..."

Immediately afterwards, Ruan Suping suddenly rushed towards Liu Fen and Ye Huanyu, wrestling into a ball...

Ye Huanyu was heartbroken, staring blankly at Liu Fen, like a puppet whose soul has been pulled out.

She opened her eyes wide, she just wanted to open her eyes and see this woman clearly...

The belief of more than 20 years suddenly told her overnight that everything was false!

In her blank mind, there was only one thing in mind——

The father is not a father, and the mother is not a mother, so whose child is she?

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