Very pure and cute: diamond rich come on a blind date

Chapter 35 35, the whole world is broken in love

Ye Huanyu went out.

In the middle of the night, where can I find someone?

This guy Qi Yemo is really harmful!

She held out her hand to flag down a taxi.

Sitting in the car and asking the driver to run around City A, she was in the car window, looking left and right.

Even if she saw a drunk, beggar or something, she wished it was that guy!

Unfortunately, that is impossible.According to Qi Yemo, a rich man with a cleanliness obsession, how could he be squatting on the street in the middle of the night?

Not long after, the car slowed down.

"Miss, there is East Queen's Road in front of you. There are too many cars and you can't drive in. Do you want to go somewhere else?"

"Queen's East Road?" Ye Huanyu recalled his son's words, "Ah, no need, I'll get off. Thank you, master."


Get out of the car.

She was standing at the intersection of Queen East Road.

The neon lights on the street almost blinded her eyes.

I didn't expect that the night on Queen's East Road in City A would be so bustling.




Massage City?


Those plaques on the street can be said to be better than one!

Both sides of the street are almost full of private cars.

The more Ye Huanyu looked at it, the more something was wrong. How could there be the stationery store that Yang Yang talked about here?

Also, she patted her forehead, thinking that it was midnight, and the stationery store was not open.

The more I think about it, the more strange I feel.

She hurriedly walked inside along Queen's East Road.Passing by No. 36, Queen East Road... No. 78... No. 136...

In the end, Ye Huanyu stopped in front of a plaque with a feast of lights!

The plaque reads: Huohuohuo Nightclub.

The address under the plaque is: 190 Queen's East Road!

What shocked her the most was a cool black car parked on the block under the plaque!

License plate number: AXXXXX

This car was the one she accidentally used as a mirror to squeeze into the career line that night, and she recognized it even when it turned into ashes!

Qi, Ye, and Mo's car!


She was so angry that she wanted to greet his mother!

His father asked him to find a half-dead, and yelled at her to make him half-dead, his what Dai'er didn't know if he was also half-dead in the hospital, brother, you still have leisure time to find flowers, drink and have fun in nightclubs?

In the next second, she was furious and stormed into this nightclub...


Huohuohuo nightclub, in the VIP box.

A smell of alcohol filled the air.

Qi Yemo sat coldly on the leather sofa, drinking wine sullenly.

"Qi Er, don't drink, what time is it, it's time to go back, wash and sleep." The one who spoke was Chu Yunfeng who was limp on the other side of the sofa and almost drank.

If the Qi family is the most proud glory in city A, then the Chu family is the most feared darkness in city A.

If Qi Yemo is the second-generation official, the second-generation rich, and the root is Miaohong, then Chu Yunfeng is the solid second-generation black.

Chu Yunfeng is also the second child in the same row as Qi Yemo.

But such two bastards have become friends with each other.

Seeing that Qi Yemo was still silent, Chu Yunfeng finally couldn't help it anymore: "If you come to me for a drink after falling in love, I have no objection. But even if men all over the world fall in love, it's not your turn, Qi Er. What are you drinking, huh?"

With Qi Yemo's icy eyes, he cast a haughty glance at Chu Yunfeng.

Still not saying a word, he continued to drink the wine in one gulp.

At this glance, Chu Yunfeng's heart ached to death.

"Emma, ​​Qi Er, just pretend that I'm begging you, stop drinking my rare Lafite as if it's Erguotou, I really can't bear it..." What he loves most is his family's wine.

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