The tone of the policeman seemed to regard Ye Huanyu as the real murderer, with a stern expression on his face.

Ye Huanyu's fingertips trembled, like a flower wilted by frost, she shook her head desperately, "No, I really didn't lie! I didn't kill Ruan Suping! I didn't kill her!"

"You still dare to make excuses?!" The police sternly reprimanded, "Don't think we haven't investigated it, you are the illegitimate daughter of the Ye family! Because you have been neglected for many years, you have a grudge against the Ye family, especially Ye Shengtian's wife Ruan Suping, so you moved. Murder isn't it?!"

Ye Huanyu was startled.

It turned out that even the police didn't find out that Ruan Suping was not Ye Anqi's biological father.Mother, that's right, the police always check the household registration when handling cases, who would easily check the blood relationship?What's more, Ye Anqi's mother and daughter deliberately concealed it.

Seeing that she was silent, the police continued, "Besides, all the evidence is now pointing at you! The motive, the murder weapon, not to mention that there is a member of the Ye family who is a witness, Ye Huanyu, this case has gone to court, I think It will be very difficult for you to escape! You should plead guilty obediently and close the case as soon as possible, so as not to waste taxpayers' money!"

Ye Huanyu suddenly felt that she couldn't argue with anything.

She bit her lip, even though the policeman on the opposite side looked angry, but her eyes were still firm and brave, she shook her head lightly, and said word by word—

"I don't plead guilty! I didn't kill anyone! I'm innocent! And Mr. Police, I'm not the illegitimate daughter of the Ye family. So there is no rift between me and Ruan Suping, and I have no motive to kill her! Ruan Suping is not Ye Anqi's biological child. Mother, Liu Fen is!

If you don't believe me, you can arrange for me to do a paternity test with the Ye family, or to test the relationship between Liu Fen and Ye Anqi.In short, I, no, have, kill, people! "

After Ye Huanyu finished saying this, she found that her back was in a cold sweat!

The policeman glanced at her a few times, but finally said nothing, frowning tightly.

There was silence in the room, and the quiet Ye Huanyu was a little flustered.

After all, the charge of murder came too fast and too heavy!She wasn't even mentally prepared... She didn't even have time to change her clothes, just wearing such a cool bikini, wrapped in a towel...

It's time for Yang Yang to leave school... What if I can't see her when I go home?

I think of my son's hesitant childhood.Face, she felt a tug in her heart.

With trembling lips, he asked, "Officer, can you let me go home?"

"No! Because it's a murder case and the evidence is overwhelming, you can't be released on bail at the moment. You'll have to be detained for 48 hours!" She responded with an extremely cold voice.

Ye Huanyu's face was like a haggard tree.

Maybe fate was just playing tricks like this, even though she refused to admit anything, she was still handcuffed.

And she underestimated the viciousness of the Ye family...


City A's No. [-] Detention Center.


The heavy iron gate was slowly opened, and Ye Huanyu stepped into the detention center under the escort of two prison guards.


With another sound, the sound of the iron door closing.Ye Huanyu's heart fell to the bottom.

That is the sound that means loss of freedom.

Once you step into this prison, you will be subject to intensive monitoring by various remote infrared rays, and the impenetrable high-walled power grid, I am afraid that even a fly cannot fly out!

Every time she took a step, she felt like she was about to suffocate!

After a while, "Go in!" The prison guard pushed her into a small single cell.

After a few bangs, the cell door was locked and the guards left.

It seems that the whole world is quiet.deathly silence...

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