Very pure and cute: diamond rich come on a blind date

Chapter 369 The little pseudonym makes a stunning debut

When he came back to his senses, he got up calmly, and said calmly with a frown: "What's wrong? It's not a big deal to see peeing. You are so young, and people don't need to be responsible for you...ah, wait a minute." ..."

Only then did Chenchen seem to come to his senses, "Tell me, the servant saw you - did you pee standing up?"

"Yeah!" Yang Yang nodded hastily, scratched his head, and heheed innocently, "I, I slept in a daze... I thought that the servant's big pancake face was small. Where is the toilet?", so I pissed on someone's face..."

Chenchen took a deep breath, and fixedly glanced at his younger brother, "Ye Yangyang, you are really a wonder!"

Chenchen already knew that Yang Yang was restless and easy to poke tricks, but he didn't expect this guy to give him such a big trick so quickly...

"Short oil, stop moaning and moaning! Find a solution quickly!"

"Where's the servant now?"

"Knocked out by me!"

"You? With your breastfeeding strength, you can knock a grown-up unconscious?" Chenchen had a look of disbelief.

"Hey! Qi Sichen, don't underestimate me! Although I am still young, according to my skill, I will be a very good policeman when I grow up..." Although Yang Yang has many visions for the future, but only To be a policeman is his wish!It's just... who would have guessed that Yang Yang, who aspired to be a policeman since he was a child, became a joke when he grew up...

"Okay...don't give me such nonsense. Hurry up and put on your wig. There are touch-up tools in your schoolbag. Look at your ghostly look. The sweat on your face has covered all the blackness on your face." Melted..."

"Oh! What about the servant?"

"I'll deal with it now! Go back to your room obediently, don't come out to cause trouble for me again, be quiet, and wait for me to find you tomorrow!"

"Ah woo...then, well then...I knew I was in conflict with this place..." o(︶︿︶)o

"..."→_→!Xiao Mian, do you know what is called horoscope?


This night, Yang Yang rarely obediently went back to the utility room, and fell asleep without a heart.

As for Chenchen, he could only help Yangyang clean up the mess.

Chenchen called the servant who had been serving him all the time, took advantage of the night, and secretly transported the servant who was stunned by Yangyang out of Qi's house, and asked the servant to give the servant a sum of money when he woke up, and Warn never to return to Qi's house...

The Qi family has too many servants, no one cares if there are one or two less.

Even if Dad asked tomorrow, Chenchen would have already found a trustworthy servant to replace him.Compared with the father who doesn't go back to the Qi family often, most of the servants are more loyal to him.

And Chenchen also believed that with his father's proud character, he would not remember that servant's face.

The servant who was showered with yin and yang urine just disappeared.

Everything is calm again, without anyone noticing...

Chenchen couldn't help sighing, when will his good brother Yangyang stop getting into trouble?


the next day.The warm sun rises as usual.

In the early morning of the Qi family, it was as busy as usual.

Not surprisingly, Mr. Qi and Mrs. Qi got up early in the morning and learned from the servants that Chen Chen actually brought a little black girl home as a guest last night.

So, the two elders hurried to the door of Chenchen's room—

"Chenchen, are you awake? It's grandpa and grandma." Song Ruling gently knocked on Chenchen's door.

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