Very pure and cute: diamond rich come on a blind date

Chapter 374 A time witness with an ambiguous relationship

Liang You nodded and smiled, "That's right, Ye Huanyu was indeed captured by me myself." I thought to myself that Ye Huanyu, the suspect in this case, has a really strong background.Continued, "After our police investigation and evidence collection and witnesses' accusations, we have reason to believe that Ye Huanyu is suspected of murdering Ruan Suping. If Mr. Qi came here to release Ye Huanyu on bail, then I'm sorry..."

"It's not bail! I want you to release him!" Qi Yemo coldly interrupted Liang You's words.

"Release?" Liang You raised his voice, "This is a serious criminal case, and release on bail may not be feasible, let alone release! I know that Mr. Qi is capable, but if you kill someone, you have to serve a sentence. Before the law Everyone is equal!"

"Murder?" Qi Yemo snorted, "Where's the evidence?"

"The fingerprints on the murder knife and the witnesses at the scene of the crime are the most powerful evidence!" Liang You opened his eyes wide, quite upright.

The corner of Qi Yemo's mouth twitched, as if listening to a joke, he raised his hand, motioning for Qin Huo to present the information.

Only then did Liang You see clearly the information Qin Huo had brought out: it was a transcript file made by the police for Ye Huanyu, as well as some evidence reports collected by the police. He was a little shocked, "Why do you have this?"

These are classified documents of the police department.

"You don't need to know about this." Qi Yemo pursed his lips, tapped his slender knuckles on the table, and said coldly, "I believe every citizen in City A remembers the night when the crime happened. According to the evidence report, the murderous knife was picked up in the grass near Huangpudun Avenue in the morning. After a night of heavy rain, the fingerprints should have been washed away. How did you find such clear fingerprints? The body of the deceased was found in the valley of the moat. Captain Liang didn't find it surprising that the murderer had the ability to abandon the body by the river, so why didn't he simply take the murder knife with him.

Throw it into the river, but discard it in the grass where it is easy to be searched by the police?Obviously, this was a murderous knife that was discarded after the rain stopped. Even if her fingerprints were left on the murderous knife, it could not be ruled out that someone framed her and tried to set the blame on her. "

Liang You was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly took out the report, and checked it carefully again.

Qi Yemo narrowed his sharp eyes slightly, and said in a cold voice, "Since the case is suspicious, we shouldn't be so sure that she is the murderer. Captain Liang should release her immediately."

"No!" Liang You shook his head resolutely, "Even if what you said just now makes sense, what kind of case have I never seen before? I can't rule out that Ye Huanyu is playing tricks, deliberately creating the illusion of being full of doubts and being framed!"

Qi Yemo's cold eyes froze, and he stared at Liang Youyou for a few seconds. Those icy eyes seemed to be able to freeze Liang You into ice!

"She didn't kill anyone!" Qi Yemo paused every word, "Because she had no evidence of her absence on the night of the crime! She was with me the whole time!"

Qin Huo's face was shocked. It seemed that Liang You really forced the master to reveal his relationship with Ye Huanyu.

Liang You was taken aback, "Mr. Qi was with her? All night?"

"Qin Huo--" Qi Yemo frowned and scolded in a low voice.

Qin Huo immediately took out the computer from the computer bag he carried with him, turned on the screen, and presented it in front of Liang You——

"Yes, Captain Liang. On the night of the incident, my master was with Ms. Ye the whole time. He is Ms. Ye's most powerful witness!"

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