Very pure and cute: diamond rich come on a blind date

Chapter 377 A time witness with an ambiguous relationship

Once again, she smiled slightly at the mirror before turning around and walking out of the guest room...


Qi's house is very big, with several golf courses in the front yard and backyard.

It was another day when the lights came on.

Because of Qi Yemo's decision, the Qi family's cooks will start to prepare a full meal again.

Ye Huanyu slipped out by herself while Qi Yemo was still dealing with business in the study, and was going to blindly search for Chenchen in the room.

In fact, she didn't know exactly where Chen Chen lived, thinking that as the young master of the Qi family, she should live in the main house.

So, while the servant was busy, she avoided the servant and sneaked up to the second floor.

The design of the main house is not a long corridor leading to the end, but each room has its own winding passage.In this way, the masters of the Qi family can be relatively independent and not far apart.

She guessed that Chenchen's room should have some children's style, so she searched one by one.

The room doors were not locked.

When she finally came to the last room on the second floor, she quietly turned the doorknob——

Hanging on the wall of the room, a huge photo frame with a very Chenchen style caught her eyes!

Her heart touches...

Chen Chen in the photo frame has jet-black and shiny hair, and is meticulous.Wearing a snow-white suit and a thin tie, he held a long golf club in his hand and made a swing gesture.

Like an elegant little nobleman.

Every move Chenchen made was inherited from him.His father's elegance and arrogance......

However, there is a trace of indifference and sadness between the child's brows that does not match his age.

Ye Huanyu almost burst into tears...

This is the first time she saw Chenchen's room... Has Chenchen lived in this luxurious house for the past five years?

She suddenly felt sad, because even though the Chen Chen in the photo frame was well concealed, she could tell right away that he was not happy...

Even in the Qi family's luxurious palace like a golden cage, her child is still unhappy...

"what are you doing?!"

Suddenly, a cold reprimand sounded from behind.

Ye Huanyu was startled.Closing the door in a panic, looking back, she froze for a moment--

Song Ruling.

"I just came back and heard the servants saying that Yemo brought Yuxi's girlfriend back! I guessed it was you, Ye Huanyu!" Song Ruling's delicate face was full of displeasure.

"Madame Qi." Ye Huanyu politely called Song Ruling out of respect for her elders.

"I knew you wouldn't be quiet. Why, do you want to come to Chenchen?" Song Ruling glanced around and saw that there were no other people waiting, so she continued, "Ye Huanyu, you are really amazing. Last time Yuxi took you Come back, this time it was Yemo who brought you back! Do you think everyone in the Qi family will laugh at the uncle and nephew because of you? Don't forget, you once promised me something!"

"I didn't!" Ye Huanyu retorted.She admitted that Qi Yemo brought her here on purpose today, but Yuxi definitely didn't do it that time!

"You didn't? You promised me not to get entangled with Yemo, but now you have actually boarded the door of Qi's house! And, look at yourself, what do you want to do now standing at the door of Chenchen's room?" Song Ruling glanced at Ye Huanyu sharply, "Don't tell me, you want to be Second Young Mistress Qi!"

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