The tall and stalwart body, like a sculpture, was so silent that there was no movement.

This man's coldness and ruthlessness can be said to reach every cell in his body.

"Yemo... have you started to hate me?" Pei Dai'er was crying and choking, looking at him with resentful eyes, "I hate you so much that even if you answer my call, even if you know that I will cut my wrist and commit suicide , you can also calm down and ignore me, ignore me..."

Pei Daier's words.

Ye Huanyu, who was cowering in the corner, sighed silently.

Ye Huanyu couldn't understand Qi Yemo, so he dragged her in desperately, and even dragged her into the isolation ward, just to let her watch their tragic love between life and death?

It turned out that the call Qi Yemo received last night was from Pei Daier who said she would cut her wrists and commit suicide!

Damn, after the man hung up the phone, he was still indifferent.

It's as simple as what Pei Daier said about suicide is like saying that the weather is sunny today!

She suddenly felt sympathetic to Pei Daier, as the daughter of the mayor of City A, if Pei Daier only raised an eyebrow, the men chasing her would probably line up from the east to the west of the city, across the south and north of the city!

And why do you have to fall in love with such a ruthless and cold-hearted Qi Yemo?

"Yemo... What's wrong with me? Can I change it? What do I need to do to make you accept me? Yemo..."

"It's useless, Dai'er, just give up." Qi Yemo blurted out a sentence suddenly.

Pei Dai'er was so shocked that her face turned pale.

Ye Huanyu couldn't help shivering.The hairs stood up tremblingly.

Even if Pei Dai'er cried until his heart broke, he only got his short, cold sentences without a trace of warmth.

This man is enough to hate...

"No... Yemo, I only love you in my life. Giving up on you is tantamount to giving up the meaning of my life... What's more, I'm your fiancee..." Pei Daier cried even more excitedly, " Yemo... Please don't be so cruel please... Please... Please..."

Every time Pei Dai'er cries, every time she accuses, Ye Huanyu sighs.

The more she looked at Pei Dai'er, the more she reminded herself that she must never fall in love with this man, otherwise it would be an unavoidable disaster.

Ah, what is she thinking?How could she fall in love with such a cold bone?

"Dai'er, the marriage is just an agreement between your father and my father from the beginning to the end. I made it clear to you early in the morning that I will never marry you! If you really want to marry into the Qi family, You have better options. For example, my father..."

Qi Yemo's words were still cruel enough to kill Pei Daier a thousand times and Ling Chi ten thousand times.

Pei Dai'er's face is ashen!

Pfft... Ye Huanyu's heart vomited blood.

This man is ruthless and sharp enough!

What kind of logic is this that one cannot marry a son to marry a father?

If Mr. Qi heard what he said, he would probably be more angry than Pei Daier and vomit blood!

Ye Huanyu suddenly felt that the old fox was actually very pitiful.

Give birth to an unfilial son!

Fortunately, her family's Yangyang Qiqiao Linglong knows her heart well.

"No..." Pei Daier is like a puppet whose soul has been emptied, "Yemo... I don't want your love, really, I don't want anything, I just beg you not to regret the marriage... Can't you..."

"It's too late." Qi Yemo said lightly.

Immediately, he turned around and walked up to Ye Huanyu who was in the corner, his deep eyes radiated a strange brilliance.

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