If eyes could kill, Ye Huanyu would have cut him into pieces long ago, and would whip his corpse in the sun after death!

Pei Daier laughed so hard that tears came out, her resentful eyes stared at Ye Huanyu, as if looking at a prostitute with contempt, and said sarcastically——

"Miss..." She called 'Miss', making Ye Huanyu seem like those girls in nightclubs, "You are really capable! No wonder Yemo won't even touch me!"

Ye Huanyu gritted her teeth, she must not fail because of Pei Daier's insulting words!Secretly grabbed Qi Yemo's waist, endure!Tolerate!Tolerate!

Qi Yemo just raised his eyebrows slightly, as if her pinch was like a mosquito bite.

Pei Dai'er was indeed from a wealthy family, and she didn't pay much attention to Ye Huanyu, a small character like Ye Huanyu.

What's more, after Qi Yemo gave the reason, Pei Dai'er seemed to be relieved, and quickly calmed down, and then said——

"Yemo, I don't mind the wild flowers and weeds outside of you. After all, wives are different from women outside. It would be too expensive to give up the marriage of the Qi and Pei families for such a woman. Yemo , you are a smart person, besides, a woman like her, I believe you are just trying to figure it out, and soon, women with better skills than her will emerge again..."

"Dai'er." Qi Yemo interrupted Pei Dai'er's words in a deep voice, but said in a calm but extremely firm tone, "Marriage to me is not as simple as a simple profit! Even if you can allow your husband to cheat, I will But I can't accept a woman I don't love as my wife!"

This powerful sentence fell into Ye Huanyu's ears so gently and clearly.

Like a small pebble, it was thrown into the lake of her heart, and in an instant, a layer of small waves were stirred up, and the water ripples followed, rippled, infinitely rippled...

For some reason, Qi Yemo's heartless words made Ye Huanyu want to cry.

She thought that a ruthless person like him, who disrespects women so much, would not value marriage, let alone a wife!

But he didn't expect that he would say something like 'I can't accept a woman I don't love as my wife'!

I don't know where in his heart, a small mouth was broken, because of Qi Yemo's words, Ye Huanyu was a little moved.

Pei Dai'er collapsed all of a sudden.

"No... don't do this... Yemo..."

Is there anything more deterrent than "Don't marry if you don't love?"


Five in the morning.

Toss all night.

Ye Huanyu didn't know how she followed Qi Yemo out of the hospital.

In his dazed and muddled head, almost all of Qi Yemo's shocking words filled his mind.

Thinking of Pei Dai'er's ashen face, Ye Huanyu felt sad.

If you don't love, don't marry, if you don't get your heart, even people will never let you get it!

This is Qi Yemo, a man with a serious obsession with cleanliness.

Even for marriage, the same is true.

As soon as he arrived at the entrance of the Central Hospital, Qin Huo's car drove over. "master."

Qi Yemo nodded, his brows were cold, and he just said calmly, "Send her back."

When he was talking, he didn't even look at Ye Huanyu, as if what Qin Huo sent was just a piece of goods.

Ye Huanyu was suddenly annoyed!

The man who was dragging his arms around her and kissing her just now turned out to be heart-wrenchingly indifferent at this moment.

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