Very pure and cute: diamond rich come on a blind date

Chapter 430 Woman, How Dare You Steal My Son 1

Qin Huo thought for a while, "...Master, I don't know if I should say something. In fact, Young Master Chenchen has a very similar temperament and personality to yours. Maybe because you are so similar, conflicts often arise. But this is not the case. It doesn't mean that the master doesn't love the young master, nor does it mean that the young master doesn't love the master..."

"Love?" As if hearing this word again, Qi Yemo's knuckles twitched, he straightened down, and walked to the window sill in his pajamas. Looking down from the window, there was a vast green lawn of the Qi family. He remembered that Ye Huanyu also The word 'love' was once said.

"Is there any smoke, Qin Huo?"

Qin Huo quickly took out a cigar and handed it to him, "Master, your injury hasn't healed yet, and smoking is not good for your health."

However, Qin Huo couldn't persuade him.

Taking the cigarette from Qin Huo's hand, he put it in the corner of his mouth, but accidentally touched the wound bruised by Bai Muxi, gasped suddenly, "Fire me!"

Qin Huo sighed and lit the fire for him.

A puff of smoke lingered in an instant, filled with the smell of nicotine, which was really addictive.

Qi Yemo took a few deep puffs of smoke, puffed out the clouds, and after a long time, he continued——

"Qin Huo, do you think I love my son?"

"Of course!" Qin Huo nodded without hesitation, "Although the master's method may be a bit cruel, or the master doesn't know how to express it, Qin Huo guesses that the master loves the young master, otherwise he would not cultivate the young master to become a talent. ..."

"No." Qi Yemo sneered suddenly, with a cigarette in his mouth, a look of desolation flashed in his eyes, "You are wrong, Qin Huo, I don't love my son, not at all!"

Qin Huo was taken aback, surprised, "..."

"You know, for more than five years, every time I see Qi Sichen, I feel as if I see myself in the past, because Qi Sichen is not the crystallization of his parents' love, he is just a man without feelings and a woman without feelings Hand in hand. The product of one night... He is just like me, I hate myself, but I still create such a self... So, it is impossible for me to love him, Qin Huo, do you understand?"

In Qi Yemo's mellow and low voice, there was a trace of helpless desolation, as if he was mocking himself, and also seemed to be mocking fate.

"Master..." It wasn't until this moment that Qin Huo suddenly understood why the master had always been indifferent to the young master all these years, even harsh.

That's all because of the birth of the master.The mother and the old man were also the masters born without love as the foundation, which caused a tragedy...

The master hates himself for creating another young master Chenchen, and repeating the tragedy he experienced back then...the tragedy of no mother's love...

In fact, the master is also suffering in his heart, Qin Huo couldn't help sighing:

"Qin Huo understands...but master, after all, young master Chenchen is your child. Does master intend to let his next generation continue to carry on the regrets you once had? Qin Huo may not understand master's thoughts, but Qin Huo can be sure Yes, the young master Chenchen is 100% obedient to the master. The master asked the young master to learn multiple lessons, and the young master never complained. The master asked the young master to go to Australia, and the young master also did not object, because the young master has no mother , he only has one father, the master, and he must love the master wholeheartedly to be able to obey everything!"


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