His lips turned cold.

She smiled sweetly.

Then, pulling his tie, he led him step by step towards the exit of the stage...

The master of ceremonies couldn't help shouting with the microphone: "Wow, congratulations to the man in the wolf mask, congratulations to him for becoming the next owner of the secret love diamond... I wish him a beautiful night soaring to the sky... Hehehe... "

Chu Yunfeng gritted his teeth and watched Qi Yemo being hooked out by the woman, thinking to himself: Qi Er, you are doing well!After abolishing martial arts for two years, after seeing a woman who looks like a girl, he actually came out of the arena again!

Under the envious and hateful eyes of the men, Qi Yemo and that hot woman just now disappeared in the ball...

Everyone danced again, and everything returned to the original enthusiasm...

It's just that no one noticed that the unfinished wine glass in Qi Yemo's hand just now fell into an unknown corner, exuding a strange and intoxicating fragrance...

The woman hooked Qi Yemo's tie and crossed the long corridor.

With a charming smile, she came to a room numbered 419——


The door was closed.

The room was warm and dark.

He immediately tore off the mask on his face, revealing that handsome and cold face as before.

With a hoarse voice, Qi Yemo breathed out unsteadily, "You little goblin, I haven't seen you for two years, when did you become Mo Jincheng's daughter?"

While talking, he suddenly tore off the fox mask on her face!

A delicate, clean and stunning face suddenly reflected in his eyes!

Especially that pair of pupils that were still clear and pure, shining like obsidian, easily aroused his touch that had been silent for two years...

However, she smiled crookedly and opened her eyebrows. Compared with two years ago, her clear and beautiful face was even more seductive than it was two years ago, which deeply attracted his attention...

She didn't seem to mind being recognized by him, instead she raised her lips and said——

"I haven't seen you in two years, Er Shao Qi is fine!"

He subconsciously lowered his brows, feeling a faint sense of dizziness in his mind, but he held her waist tightly, and lifted the diamond named 'Secret Love' on her neck with one hand, the brilliant luster of the diamond was dimmed. It almost dazzled his eyes.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, flashed a hint of danger, and said in a hoarse voice, "Woman! What kind of charm did you use to make that man Mo Jincheng willingly give up this unique diamond?"

Facing his questioning, she smiled and stretched out her slender fingers——

"Hush..." said softly, "Dear Second Young Master, don't you think we have more important things to do in this situation?"

My heart trembled. In just two years, this woman seemed to have been completely reborn. She knew how to use the advantage of a woman's softness to master a man's fatal weakness!

He gritted his teeth, "Damn woman! She has been away for two years without making a sound, and she will provoke me again when she comes back!"

If we say that in the past, what she provoked was his anger.

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………

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