Unexpectedly, she escaped Linda's flood in the morning, but she still couldn't escape Ye Anqi.

Oh, she laughed at herself in the mirror.

"Ye Huanyu, Ye Huanyu, could it be that your life was overcome by water?"

Taking a deep breath, she patted her cheek.

It seemed that he wanted to take away all the unpleasant things just now.

Ye Anqi spilled that cup of tea just now, which can be called tricky.

The water flowed almost from head to heel...

As a result, the black skirt draws exquisite lines because of the water.

She couldn't help but sigh.

Turn around and walk into the bathroom stall.

There was a rustle, so that she didn't pay attention to the movement in the bathroom.

Suddenly, boom—

The compartment door was kicked open by a huge force!

The unreliable hasp lock immediately collapsed.

Ye Huanyu was stunned.

After taking a look in disbelief, Qi Yemo's tall figure came into view.

Handmade luxury suits are neatly pressed and spotlessly clean.

The black and blue hair is attached to the forehead, like the lines of the face drawn by a painter, it is tightly stretched.

The deep pool-like pupils are staring at her gloomyly...

Ye Huanyu opened her mouth wide in shock, and it took a while to find her own voice——

"...Uh, President...you seem to be on the wrong path..."

The corners of Qi Yemo's thin and cold lips twitched slightly, and an invisible haze flashed across the calm and unruffled handsome face.

"I know." Three words indifferently.

Ye Huanyu's eyes widened, and she stared at him incredulously, "Since you know, please respect yourself!"

He narrowed his eyes coldly, and a dangerous smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

That smile made Ye Huanyu's scalp tingle.

Bang, the door was closed by him.

He stood in front of her calmly, with a threatening coldness on his handsome face.

Ye Huanyu's heartstrings tightened, her jaw almost dropped in shock.

Shaking her lips, she couldn't help moving her body back, "President, CEO...are you kidding..."

The corner of his lips curled up, "Do you look at me like I'm joking?"

She secretly took a breath of cold air.

Looking nervously at the perfect handsome face that is getting closer and closer to her...

This guy seems to have a soft spot for toilets.


After a while, Qi Yemo walked out gracefully.

"Cough cough cough..." Ye Huanyu coughed until her cheeks turned red.

My throat was so stuck that I couldn't speak a word.

Damn, shameless!

Ye Huanyu gritted her teeth and stared at the back of this tall and handsome man. Damn, he looks like a man, but he's an out-and-out scum in his bones!

With a hoarse voice, she yelled at him angrily, "Qi Yemo, you worthless bastard..."

Qi Yemo was so cold that he didn't even bat an eyebrow.

After tidying up the cuff buttons of his suit, he stared at her with his deep eyes.

He suddenly smiled, "how is it, how does it taste? It's not worse than your silk sock Longjing tea, right?"

Ye Huanyu shuddered, her face turned red like a monkey PP.

"Bah! Bastard, you make me sick..." She vomited while cursing.

Qi Yemo sneered, the more uncomfortable she looked, the more he wanted to take revenge.

He casually straightened his tie, turned around immediately, and said a cold sentence before leaving——

"Ye Huanyu, thank you for your silk. Sock Longjing tea!"

Then, boom.

His haughty back disappeared from her sight...

This guy gave him some silk to drink before taking revenge on her.Sock Longjing tea too!

Thinking of this, Ye Huanyu scratched the wall with her paws.

That's called a regret.

Damn, what silk.Sock Longjing tea, it was she who made it up and messed with him!

That cup of tea was just a little bit of lemon juice that she tampered with!

But I didn't expect that I would suffer such disgusting revenge from this guy!

Sorry for the first time!

She regretted why she didn't really make him a cup of Longjing tea with stinky socks.ah!

Wang Badan!


Regarding the follow-up development of this toilet incident.

In the end, it was Ye Huanyu who specifically asked for it, citing physical discomfort.Take a day off.

With a cold face, she handed in an invitation.Leave a note to Linda.

Linda made things difficult for her and asked her to please.False reason.

Her face twisted slightly, and she couldn't speak.

Then, grabbing the package, regardless of whether Linda was allowed to leave, she fled the Qi's Building as if she was fleeing...


Later, at Ye Huanyu's request.When the note was presented to Qi Yemo's desk.

A few big crooked characters, with some kind of gnashing-toothed cursive script, caught his eyes——

please.False reason: teeth cleaning and disinfection!

The seemingly simple four characters revealed an extremely disgusting tone.

What Qi Ershao so many women dream of, but Ye Huanyu despises it so much that she wants to disinfect it!

Hiss ~ la sound.

please.The false strip instantly shattered to pieces.


Qi Yemo's perfectly cold and handsome face, without a single flaw, finally cracked...

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