In that thick folder——

On the first page, the photo of Qi Yemo wearing a black suit and ultra-black sunglasses, walking out of Qi's company like a king leaps across the paper.Obviously, some gossip magazines secretly photographed this.

The problem is, this woman actually printed out his photo as the front page of the document!

She thought this document was written by him.Is it true?

A few large characters on the title read: [The host of this meeting.Seat: Qi Yemo]

Qi Yemo's face twitched slightly, his knuckles were visibly tense...

"Yes, President. Of the 30.00 selected companies, only 70.00% are local companies in City A, and the remaining [-]% come from all over the country. In addition, the Information Resources Department has made a detailed evaluation report on each selected company ..." Wang Qiren began to give a report eloquently.

Ye Huanyu blinked, looking at Wang Qiren's opening and closing mouth, her mind started to buzz.

Qi Yemo kept his cold and handsome eyes lowered, and continued to turn the pages with his fingers——

The second page, title: [Conference Attendee List]

Next, is a list of high-level executives in various departments of the Qi family.

Obviously, the employee information was also downloaded from the Qi Group's intranet.

Starting from the third page, the entries record the detailed information of each high-level executive.

From photos, to resumes, to working years, to wages, and even family members' filings are all extracted.

The more Qi Yemo turned the page, the darker his face became.

"...In addition, according to the preliminary budget statement made by the Finance Department and the analysis of various data, this 'Ying' project has already taken the lead before the public bidding, making Qi's start to be in a state of profit, compared with last year According to the data for the same period, the increase in profits is very impressive..." Wang Qiren's report was still very impressive.

Ye Huanyu was sitting next to Qi Yemo motionless while getting the needles inserted.But those smart eyes had already begun to show dull and sleepy eyes, rattling... She was about to fall asleep.

Qi Yemo's brows furrowed deeper and deeper, and his knuckles were visibly stiff.

I quickly flipped through the documents in my hand, but I didn't expect that from the fourth page to the one hundred and eighteenth page, a whole thick document was simply the personnel files of these participants!

Until turning to the one hundred and nineteenth page, a photo belonging to him appeared on the paper again!

That's the scene where he's hard at work at his desk!

The outline of Qi Yemo's sharp-edged face slightly twitched.

Turning to the last page, on a piece of white paper, there was a large character written: [End]!

"... It can be seen that the initial operation of the 'Ying' project is still very smooth, and the development prospects can be described as unprecedentedly grand..."


Suddenly, there was the sound of the file slamming on the table.

It was so shocking that Wang Qiren suddenly lost his voice.

The shock made everyone in the conference room tense.

Of course, Ye Huanyu was so shocked that she flew back from the sleeping god.

Everyone was silent and looked at the Lord cautiously.Mr. President in the seat.

Qi Yemo's throwing sound just now seemed to shake the conference table three times.

All of a sudden, the conference room was terribly silent.

A cold current ran everywhere.

Especially seeing Qi Yemo's face that was obviously livid, no one dared to speak.

Except for Ye Huanyu, who has no brains, "What's the situation?"

She frowned, as if she was very dissatisfied that Qi Yemo had disturbed her sweet dreams, frowned, and glanced at his handsome profile carved with a utility knife——

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