Very pure and cute: diamond rich come on a blind date

Chapter 539 Little Drunk Sheep, Let’s See How I Deal With You

Warm water rises into thin warm water mist...

"..." She sighed softly, only then did she feel warm.

Under the mist, he held his breath, smelling her mellow wine, his heart suddenly jumped!

Every heartbeat is so strong and powerful, as if the heart that has been silent for two years is alive at this moment...

At this moment, has this woman finally nestled into his arms for real and without resistance?

Looking at her face full of alcohol and foolishness, Master Mo really wanted to strangle this heartless woman to death!

She knew that he was really angry, very angry, very angry with her!

But she was still like a little dog, and she smirked at him: "Hey... hurry up, uncle, I'm going to swim, hurry up..."

She had no idea what she was doing, the alcohol had intoxicated her consciousness.

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"Uh... Uncle, I want to swim..." She pouted childishly...

"You..." He found himself unable to communicate with a drunken lunatic at all!

Neither is scolding.

Neither is hitting.

Anyway, she was so drunk that she didn't play the cards according to the rules at all!

"Hurry up, uncle..." She breathed on her wine cheerfully...

He was taken aback.

His deep eyes looked into her fascinated pupils.

Looking at her charming appearance under the mist, my heart swayed...

"Are you sure... do you really want me to come together?" His voice suddenly became a little hoarse, and his bright eyes were fixed on her red and silly smiling face, every frown and smile were very attractive...

"Hee hee, let's go together... how fun people are..."

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But he is such an arrogant person, he will never allow betrayal, and he will never beg her for alms!


For the past two years, this woman's ghost has been eroding his life.

Even her beautiful image became clearer day by day.

No matter how much work he used to numb himself, no matter how much alcohol he drank to numb himself, his thoughts would still inadvertently return to the memory of her...

Even, he would think, what is she doing now?

Does she still remember that she still has two sons with him?

Will she come back and rob him?

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