With a cold face, he pondered for a while, then said in a choked voice, "Girlfriend..."

"Hehe, for my girlfriend, I suggest that my husband send roses, or some flowers that represent love..." the owner explained enthusiastically.

He glanced at it in distaste, as if he was not satisfied with the owner's introduction.

While looking at the dazzling array of flowers, he walked straight into the glass greenhouse inside the flower shop——

Suddenly, a kind of flower was reflected in his pupils behind the sunglasses.

Immediately, his eyes lit up.

Pointing to the flowers that looked like flowing fire, he said, "That's what I want!"



Ding Dong!Ding Dong!

Ye Huanyu struggled impatiently from under the quilt, put on a panda under the bed...

She sorted out the manuscript last night until four o'clock in the morning.

Before I got enough sleep, I was woken up by the doorbell!

She doesn't know many people, except for Luo Qiao who often comes up to drop by, there is only that bastard from the Qi family left!

Grabbing the chicken coop, she frowned and opened the door——


A cluster of red, yellow, yellow, green and green things entered her field of vision!

She took a few steps back in fright!

A burst of fragrance hits the nostrils...

A sneeze!

She sneezed reflexively!

what's the situation?

She opened her eyes wide in a daze, looking at the big guy who suddenly crowded at her door.A piece of... a sea of ​​flowers?

Immediately afterwards, a head popped out from the pile of flowers: "Hello, I am the delivery person of Happy Flower Language Store. Is this Ms. Ye Huanyu?"

"...Yes..." She nodded.

"Hehe, these are flowers for you, please sign for them!"

"Give it to me? Who?"

"It's a gentleman. He said you'd know who it was when you saw the flowers."

"..." She rubbed her aching temple, and thought for a long time but couldn't figure it out, "Sorry, you may have sent the wrong one..."

"The address is correct. Is your name Miss Ye Huanyu?" The deliveryman checked again.

"Hmm..." She frowned and nodded.

"That's right! Please sign for it!"

She hesitated for a moment, and finally signed...

The courier will be big.A pile of flowers taller than a person was sent to Ye Huanyu's room, and when he left——

She couldn't hold back anymore: "Well, can I ask, what is the name of this flower?"

"Oh! That's called He Huanhua. The language of flowers means eternal love and mutual love. It is a symbol of a good marriage. Listen to our shop owner, the gentleman who sent you flowers bought all the He Huanhuas in our shop. And this kind of He Huanhua likes a warm and humid environment. It is not easy to survive in the winter. Miss, please remember to water it to keep the room warm. Haha, I wish you happiness!" The delivery man replied with a smile .

Ye Huanyu seemed to be ambushed by a high voltage current!

Staring at the fiery sea of ​​flowers in front of him, he trembled——

"He, He Huanhua?!!"

In the next second, she guessed who gave it to her!

Immediately, anger spread out.

She clenched her fists tightly, her teeth chattering with anger.

Because in this world, only a man would send He Huanhua to her like this!

Isn't the implication obvious? !


The courier was about to leave when she yelled——

"and many more!"

"Miss, is there anything else I can do for you?"

"Give me back all these He Huanhua!!!"

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