Ye Huanyu cast a sideways glance at Qi Yemo, bit her lip, shook her head and said nothing.

Chu Yunfeng seemed to have seen some clues, "Is someone bullying you in Huanhuan, don't be afraid, brother will show you!"

Brother Qi Yemo's brows turned cold when he heard this sentence.

"Chu Er, I don't need you here anymore, go back to your nest."

"Okay, you can't die anyway." Chu Yunfeng didn't object, instead he happily pulled Ye Huanyu out, "Huanhuan, let's go, I'll take you to my house..."

Ye Huanyu froze for a moment, before she had time to adapt to Chu Yunfeng's enthusiasm.

An ice-skate-like words shot out, "Ye Huanyu, you better know your job!"

Well, I have to admit that Qi Yemo's method of coercion managed to stop Ye Huanyu's progress.

She paused, then turned her head to look at Qi Yemo, and actually felt that he was a little different today.

"Qi Er, you are not crazy, Huanhuan is not your nanny! She is just a secretary." Chu Yunfeng yelled desperately from the side.

Qi Yemo raised his eyebrows coldly, and glanced at Ye Huanyu, his eyes seemed to say: If you don't stay, you will die.

With a faint sigh, Ye Huanyu could only shake her head at Chu Yunfeng, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Yunfeng, I may still need to report to him about today's work."

Chu Yunfeng immediately had a hurt expression on his face, as wronged as a mammoth, and glanced at Qi Yemo resentfully, "Huanhuan, when you stop being that secretary, come to my nightclub Do……"

"Chu Yunfeng!" Qi Yemo scolded coldly, interrupting Chu Yunfeng's words like a flying knife.

There is a kind of saying that these two goods are "chicken" and try it!

Apparently someone really got angry and pressed the button on the head of the sick bed.

Immediately, several bodyguards rushed into the room.

"Throw this guy out!"

"Yes, Mr. Qi."

Thus, Chu Yunfeng was dragged out of the ward in a daze by several fat and strong men.

While breaking free, he shouted to Ye Huanyu without fear of death, "Oh, Huanhuan, come to my nightclub to be the proprietress... Hey... Can you please be gentle..."

Bang, the door closes.

Suddenly, only he and she were left in the huge ward.

Taking a sneaky glance at Qi Yemo, Ye Huanyu's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

Then, I heard his deep and cold voice ask, "Is your cold better?"

A warm current flowed into Ye Huanyu's heart so warmly, she trembled.

"Yeah." With a grunt, she looked at his injury, "You...last night...that..."

In fact, she was very curious, how could such a strict person like him have a car accident?What's more, it was said that there was another woman sitting in the car at the time... who was that woman?

His starry eyes flickered, and he waved at her like a puppy, "Come here."

She stepped forward obediently, looking at him with eyes full of expectation.He wants to tell her the truth.Are you ready?The headlines in the whole city A are about to be poached by her soon?She suddenly felt a little dizzy, bit her lip and smiled, "President, do you have anything to say?"

The corners of his lips suddenly hooked evilly, his eyes sparkled, and his fingers hooked towards her again, "Come closer."

She nodded hastily, and then leaned all over, ready to listen carefully——

Suddenly, he bowed his face, unceremoniously

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