"Don't talk nonsense!" Song Ruling scolded.

"Yes, ma'am..."


Ye Huanyu searched for a long time before finding the bathroom on the fifteenth floor.

Suddenly, a whimpering sound came out from the bathroom...

Ye Huanyu was a little surprised.

Straight open the bathroom door——

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." the voice of the woman weeping.

Seems to be coming from the last compartment...

"Er...Miss, are you okay?" Ye Huanyu asked politely.

The voice of the woman crying suddenly stopped!

Fei'er hid in the cubicle and couldn't see anyone outside. She hurriedly wiped her tear-soaked face, covered her lips, and dared not speak...

The bathroom fell silent instantly.

Ye Huanyu bit her lip, and smiled apologetically at the closed door——

"I'm sorry to bother you crying... um... Miss, keep crying... Um... I mean, Miss, keep venting... It's fine if I'm air..."

As she spoke, she entered the compartment next to Mayfair.

Open the toilet lid.

She goes to the toilet as usual.

Mayfair was next door, pricking up her ears to listen.This voice seemed both familiar and unfamiliar.

The atmosphere seemed to suddenly become awkward...

Ye Huanyu and Fei'er had each other in a cubicle, neither could see the other, neither knew who, but could only hear each other's voices.

Ye Huanyu felt that she was bothering her, after all she was crying...

Who is the saddest person!

So, she tried to ease the atmosphere and comforted——

"Actually, miss... you can cry aloud, it's okay... I've been through this kind of situation as well... In life, who hasn't suffered? Just cry..."

Fei'er seemed to be infected by the woman's friendliness, so she responded in a low voice——

"You...have you ever hid in the toilet and cried?"

When Ye Huanyu heard the voice, she felt a little familiar, but she didn't care.

After all, in this world, there are too many people with similar people, not to mention similar voices.

Ye Huanyu smiled and nodded while sitting on the toilet: "Yeah...it's not just hiding in the toilet and crying! I have done a lot of things in the toilet... Do you know that in my life, there seem to be many The bad things happen in the toilet... I remember the first time I found out I was pregnant, I took a pregnancy test stick and took a urine test in the toilet..."

"Ah? Really..." Mayfair felt very strange.

"Yeah... At that time, I felt that my world was over... I was actually pregnant with a man's seed... It's not something that I ate something by mistake, and it can be solved by pulling it out..."

Ye Huanyu recalled the unbearable past that year, but she never thought that now she could say it like a joke.

Still in such a strange way of talking.

Mayfair was surprised when she heard this, and asked, "...Then, have you been born yet?"

"Hehe...he was born..." Ye Huanyu thought of Chenchen Yangyang's cute and handsome little girl.Face, "Fortunately, I was born..."

Although she conceived a child in such an unbearable way back then.

But she is fortunate to have such a pair of precious children.

Fei'er suddenly became envious of the woman next door, and she said in a soft voice: "What about your man? You got married later? I think you must be very happy now...you still have children..."

Ye Huanyu was startled.

The atmosphere suddenly froze.


Xiaoyou, Huanhuan and Mayfair chatted in the bathroom, do you know that everyone outside is about to shit...

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