She was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect this man's smile to be so captivating, far more beautiful than his paralyzed expression!

However, it's a pity that this smile is very dazzling!

It's like a man-eating flower wrapped in a gorgeous appearance, as long as you accidentally indulge in his smile, the consequences will be absolutely disastrous...

Ye Huanyu's back suddenly felt cold.He pursed his lips, not daring to say anything.

"Why, are you scared?" He teased, "If you win, I have a way to make you leave the Qi family without having to explain to my father, and I will pay you a sum of compensation..."

He obviously knew early on, under what circumstances she made the deal with her father.Since it is not voluntary, what she desires most is freedom.

Before he could finish speaking, Ye Huanyu hurriedly responded, "Okay!"

"Hehehe..." He let out a deep laugh from the depths of his throat, which sounded like waves jumping in the deep sea, "Ye Huanyu, you seem very sure that you will win?"

Her face froze for a moment, she took a deep breath, bravely met his eyes, and said proudly, "Of course! I believe you won't force me to submit by some nasty means, so I won't lose! "

In fact, she knew that with Qi Yemo's pride, she would never be as despicable as Li Guangzhen, because he disdains him!

A glint of approval flashed in Qi Yemo's eyes, he licked his perfect lip line, and smiled softly, "Very good. Ye Huanyu, I can't wait to see how you lose..."

Ye Huanyu glanced at him, and suddenly felt that she wanted to know who the woman in his car was last night, but this man not only kept silent.

Instead, he beat her up and brazenly asked her to become the president's woman from a secretary!

For some reason, seeing the smirk on his lips, she felt that under this man's beautiful appearance, there seemed to be a very dark, very dark heart...


next morning.

The first day of their gamble began.

Ye Huanyu believes that this is not just a gamble between the secretary and the boss; it is also a contest between a woman and a man, and even more a struggle between a little rabbit and a wild dog!

So, when she boldly printed out the battle book, rushed to the hospital, threw it on Qi Yemo, and asked him to sign it——

A certain man, when he saw the dense square characters on the white A4 paper, his face darkened——

This is a gambling commitment letter drawn up by her, with dense and rambling sentences in the middle, summed up, there are no more than three conditions:

First, within this week, Ye Huanyu had to get a salary that was three times higher than the usual salary to compensate for the loss caused by the high-intensity mental stress.

Second, within this week, Qi Yemo is not allowed to use brutal power to physically harass Ye Huanyu, especially his body.

Third, within this week, Qi Yemo must not use tricks to win the bet.

Qi Yemo almost crushed the paper, his deep eyes fixed on her, "So you think you are sure to win?"

Ye Huanyu raised her eyebrows and smiled, "Of course. Could it be that the president doesn't dare to prove it?"

Pursing his lips, Qi Yemo sneered, then swiped a few words with a big pen, and then threw it back to Ye Huanyu with great disdain.

She picked up the crumpled paper, spread it out for a look, and saw his flying and phoenix characters leaping in front of her eyes——

Additional conditions: Ye Huanyu must obey Qi Yemo's orders within 168 hours seven days a week, and must not leave Qi Yemo's line of sight.

Then there is the signature.

She stared blankly, and shouted, "Why do I have to stay by your side for seven days? Do I have to listen to your orders?"

"Hmm." He snorted coldly, "If you agree to this additional condition, I will agree to all your conditions."

Ye Huanyu stared at the A4 paper, looked and looked, but couldn't find any flaws.I thought anyway, as long as Qi Yemo doesn't play tricks and doesn't force her, it will be fine!

Frowning, she agreed, "As long as you are willing to abide by my conditions, I can reluctantly agree to your conditions."

A gleam of light flashed across Qi Yemo's sea-deep eyes.

Leaning on the sickbed, he glanced at the clock, "Nine o'clock in the morning. From now on, the time seven days later will be the time to decide the outcome."

Ye Huanyu trembled.

"Even if... I have to make a floor shop here for seven days, I still have to bring some change of clothes here..."

"No need." He interrupted her coldly, "I will ask someone to prepare new ones for you, and you will move them here first."

People move here first?

Feeling a cold wind blowing, Ye Huanyu's hairs stood on end, why did he feel like falling into a wolf's den?

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