After receiving a call from her mother Liu Fen in the morning, Ye Huanyu rushed home without stopping.

Just after walking to the entrance of the building area, a black Audi was parked.

In this old community, this car is particularly conspicuous.

Ye Huanyu glanced at the license plate, her heart sank.

Go upstairs.

As soon as he entered the door, the words of his mother Liu Fen floated over: "Shengtian, don't worry. Huanhuan will probably be here soon..."

Before Liu Fen finished speaking, she turned to Ye Huanyu who had just entered the room, "Yeah, Huanhuan, you're back."

Ye Huanyu responded softly, glanced at the man on the sofa, frowned unconsciously, and called out, "Dad, you're here."

"Yeah, Huanhuan, your dad just got out of prison two days ago. He came to see us today. Look, he bought a lot of things." Liu Fen pointed to the valuable boxes piled up on the coffee table Tonic, smile blossomed.

Ye Huanyu took a closer look at her father, remembering how her father insulted her in Chengnan Prison that day, her heart stabbed, she was really surprised that he would come to the door in person today.

"Mom, I'm still on a business trip next door. I'm leaving soon." She raised her eyes and looked around the room. Yang Yang was not there, so she must have gone to school.Seeing that her father was also there, she didn't ask any more questions.

Liu Fen glanced at Ye Shengtian cautiously, "Huanhuan, your father..."

"What business trip is more important than having a meal with dad?" Ye Shengtian habitually challenged him as soon as he opened his mouth.

Old Yu's pupils showed dissatisfaction and irritability.

Ye Huanyu choked on her lips, and sneered in disbelief, "Why does Dad really want me to have a meal with you? I thought you would only be an eyesore when you saw me."

Ye Shengtian had an embarrassing expression on his face, but he endured it. He didn't attack, but just stared at Liu Fen, as if he wanted to take his anger out on Liu Fen.

Liu Fen trembled slightly, perhaps because she was terrified of Ye Shengtian's fierce eyes, she hurriedly smoothed things over and said, "Huanhuan, your father has been in prison for five years, and life is difficult in prison. After finally getting out, you just go along with me." He. Besides...your dad said that he has something to talk to you about."

something?Ye Huanyu raised his eyebrows, and glanced at Ye Shengtian who looked angry, presumably this was the point of his visit.

The corner of her mouth couldn't help but pull out a smile that didn't look like a smile. She glanced at her mother's eagerly looking eyes, and finally compromised, asking, "Dad, what's the matter?"

Only then did Ye Shengtian calm down, cast a sidelong glance at Ye Huanyu, and said with the corner of his mouth pulled, "I heard from An Qi that you are now the secretary of President Qi?"

Ye Huanyu cast a contemptuous glance at her father, and her heart suddenly turned cold.

"Yes." She replied indifferently, with a strong premonition that what her father asked her to talk about was definitely not a good thing.

"Then you should know that there is a lot of competition outside to get Qi's 'Ying' project, right?" Ye Shengtian frowned, and a hint of calculation flashed in his eyes.

really.The father's arrival was not without purpose.

Ye Huanyu's fingertips trembled slightly.

"Yes, I know." She answered very calmly.

"An Qi said, you seem to have a bit of face in front of Mr. Qi..." Ye Shengtian dragged out the end of his voice, with a hint of doubt and uncertainty.

Ye Huanyu sneered, "What do you mean a little face?"

"She said you offended Boss Qi, but Boss Qi didn't fire you." When Ye Anqi went home and told Ye Shengtian about it, Ye Shengtian was also very surprised.

Therefore, he couldn't help but take a second look at this illegitimate daughter he had never liked.

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