Very pure and cute: diamond rich come on a blind date

Chapter 84 Bet on the 3rd game, intoxicated

"Hey...uh..." Ye Huanyu was really drunk, her eyes were blurry and empty, she was so stupid that she didn't know where to go, and she kept shouting, "Drink, I want to drink..."

While shouting, her body fell to Qi Yemo's side.

Fell into his arms.

The white-toothed little hand scratched the firm muscle in his heart unwillingly, "Well, the steak...delicious..."

With a smirk, she was unexpected by Qi Yemo, she opened her mouth and bit down——

"Hiss—" He took a cold breath.

He stared down at the black head in his arms, how dare this woman bite the muscle he was so proud of as a steak? !

Qin Huo peeked at this scene from the rearview mirror, tried hard to hold his breath, and almost laughed.

It was the first time he had seen his master allow a woman to be so rude to him.

Miss Ye is indeed a wonderful thing.

"Hmm..." Ye Huanyu bit the fabric of his clothes, chewed it twice, and then found that the taste was not right, so she spat it out.

"The chef here is not as good as me. The heat is too high. The meat is dry and astringent, and too much salt is added."

This silly look is like a brainless zombie who ate the wrong garlic.

Frowning angrily, restless hands...

"Ye Huanyu!" Qi Yemo scolded coldly, grabbing her hand.

"Woo...I want to eat...I'm still hungry...Don't treat people to dinner if you care about money..."

Ye Huanyu didn't care, and twisted her body to get close to him.

And it was close to death.

With a click, he accidentally hit his plaster leg!

"Hiss—" Another snort.Qi Yemo only felt a numb pain in his legs, and subconsciously relaxed his hands.

She took the opportunity to escape, as if a thief had succeeded...

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Qi Yemo stared at her pure and innocent smiling face, his scalp suddenly went numb.

Then, her smile showing six clean and bright teeth flashed away from his eyes, and she fell into his rough arms, biting his arm——

"Hiss..." Qi Yemo gasped again, feeling a sudden numbness in his nerves!


Ye Huanyu was in a daze, as if she had eaten a steak, it was still a huge piece of steak.

She bit him and refused to let him go, just like a hungry chick finally seeing the delicacy it has been coveting for a long time, biting desperately...

Well, delicious.

"Drink, I want wine... Waiter, take a bottle of Lafite no matter how old it is..." The steak is only delicious if it is paired with wine...

"Ye Huanyu, get the hell out of here..."

It should be a very angry voice, and it should be a bitingly cold tone.

But this time, it came out of Qi Yemo's thin lips, but it was a threat with no deterrent effect...

With calm eyes, he did not resist this woman's nibbling at all......


How did this woman become so scary when she was drunk?

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