Very pure and cute: diamond rich come on a blind date

Chapter 86 Bet on the 3rd game, intoxicated

Qin Huo glanced sideways at Qi Ye's cold face.

Trembling with courage, he swallowed a mouthful, and asked cautiously, "Master, how about I carry Miss Ye up?"

Qi Yemo frowned tightly, and glanced at the woman who was lying on his lap, sleeping soundly, and immediately picked her up with her injured hand and threw her on the back of the chair, like throwing a rag doll. , the tone is very cold——

"Drag her into the wheelchair."

Qin Huo drenched in sweat again.

According to the master, drag——Miss Ye into the wheelchair.

"Yes, master." Qin Huo carefully pushed the wheelchair to the other side of the car.

Opening the car door, he glanced at Ye Huanyu, who was drunk, and nudged her shoulder lightly, "Miss Ye, Miss Ye?"

"Hmm... drink..." Ye Huanyu muttered a few words, then fell to the side and continued to sleep.

Qin Huo sighed helplessly, "I'm sorry, Miss Ye, Qin Huo offended me."

After finishing speaking, he grabbed Ye Huanyu by the shoulder, followed his master's order, and really dragged Ye Huanyu out of the car just like that...

During the dragging, Ye Huanyu's head accidentally hit the car door, "Oh..." She frowned subconsciously and let out a burst of raving.

"Qin Huo!"

A cold voice followed, Qin Huo let go of his hands in fright, and Ye Huanyu saw that his upper body was about to fall out of the car——

"Damn it!" With a low reprimand, Qi Yemo reached out with his long arm, and quickly caught the woman's body hanging in mid-air, "Qin Huo, you can't even move someone!"

Qin Huo was sweating profusely, "Yes, I'm sorry master..."

He looked aggrieved and wronged, master, didn't this drag Miss Ye into the wheelchair according to your order...

Qi Yemo frowned, glared at Qin Huo with sharp eyes, and finally let out a low sigh.

Holding Ye Huanyu into his arms, he immediately sat in the wheelchair and placed the dead fish-like woman on his lap.

Qin Huo hurriedly turned behind him and pushed the wheelchair upstairs...


After sending Qi Yemo into the residence, Qin Huo fled the scene almost like flying, fearing that he might accidentally offend his master again.

In the luxurious house, there were only two deserted people left.

Qi Yemo glanced down at the sleeping woman in his arms, wishing he could pinch her awake.

How can this woman sleep so sweetly and dreamily without heart and lungs?


Thinking of this, anger surged into my heart instantly.

He suddenly pushed his hand——

Ye Huanyu's body was like a caterpillar that lost its balance. It rolled along his legs and fell to the ground, finally lying on the high-end carpet imported from Italy...

"Hey..." Although the carpet was quite soft and reduced some strength, the sudden pain in the body still woke up Ye Huanyu who was in a drunk dream.

Suddenly, she opened her sleepy eyes in a daze, wrinkled her brows, and blurted out, "Which son of a bitch dares to kill my old lady's dream, I will never end with him..."

Damn, she just saw Yuxi's back in her dream.

Yuxi stood on the top of the hill and watched the sunset silently. The beautiful young man under the red sun was already a tall and mature young man.

And she, in her dream, had already climbed up the hill, watching helplessly that Yuxi was about to turn her face away...

There are good chicken jelly.

After five years, she really wanted to see that handsome young man back then, is he now more and more beautiful?

Unexpectedly, a wave of pain hit, and Yuxi disappeared out of thin air.

She then rolled down the cliff, grinning her teeth in pain, and the dream disappeared...

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