Before he had time to react, his hand was easily clamped by his other powerful palm almost instantly.

Lock her tightly!

Can't move!

Ye Huanyu turned pale for a moment.

The anger was burning again, and the trembling voice couldn't help roaring:

"Qi Yemo, I warn you not to act recklessly!"

Her sudden address made his eyes turn cold!

"Very good, you still know who I am! However, you are the first one who dares to warn me, woman!"

In an instant, sparks flew.

A smell similar to gunpowder smoke filled the air instantly.

This man changed from elegant at the beginning to vicious in an instant.


Ye Huanyu trembled a little, her heart pounding with fear.

"Also, no woman has ever dared to touch my face, and you are still the first!"

On Qi Yemo's cold face, there was a deep haze.

In an instant, his hands tightened around her throat.

A sense of suffocation hit her instantly, "Don't...uh..."

The trembling voice was the same as five years ago.

His hand stopped suddenly!

He raised his dark eyes, as if he wanted to find something on her pale face.

He didn't understand why the woman's voice gave him an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

Qi Yemo looked at her carefully, but couldn't find anything after all.

"Do you know you're afraid now? Huh?"

Without warning.

He seemed to be carrying some kind of paranoid revenge.

No one dared to show off his power in front of him.

No one dared to challenge him, Qi Yemo.

What's more, in his eyes, she is a woman who is neither good nor bad.

But she touched his bottom line!

His cold eyes tightened.

His hand clenched her throat, getting harder and harder!


Ye Huanyu only felt that the dizziness in her head was getting heavier and her breathing was getting weaker and weaker.

Biting his lip, he forced himself to hold back.

She just pinched his face...

Is he guilty of strangling her?

Suddenly realized——

She actually offended such a terrible man!

He seemed calm and composed.

It seems calm.

But it will give you the most ruthless counterattack when you are most defenseless, and with the momentum of a prairie fire!

"Hold... stop..."

Ye Huanyu's cheeks were flushed, and her breathing became weaker and weaker.

I really want to resist, but my head is getting more and more dizzy.

The body is getting weaker and weaker...

God, she was about to be strangled to death by this man?

Qi Yemo looked at the woman in his arms with confused eyes.

"Do you know you are afraid?"

He let go of his hand in disgust, "I'll kill you, and I'll dirty my hands!".

Then, regain your composure as before.

Ye Huanyu couldn't help trembling.

A chill came over her, and she became more awake.

There was still an unusual blush on both cheeks.

His words undoubtedly hurt her severely.

She forced a smile, and the strong dizziness made her unable to refute.

Qi Yemo gracefully walked to the sink next to him and turned on the tap.


As if to wash every inch of the hand that touched her, to make it spotless.

He has a certain degree of cleanliness.

This is especially true for women!

After washing his hands, he looked in the mirror, and then slowly arranged his clothes, his movements were as elegant as another person.

Fully assembled.

He no longer looked at Ye Huanyu, and left directly.

The moment he pulled the doorknob,

"Your coat..." Ye Huanyu called out.

He glanced at the wrinkled white suit, and said coldly: "I don't want to have dirty things!"

The voice fell, and he walked away...

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