"Spirit lock array?"

On the other side, Le Zhitao also tremblingly said the name of the formation, Yan Fu Ningyue frowned, her heart ached more and more.

Don't you already know?Why bother to hold on to hope, it's true that you don't shed tears when you don't see the coffin.

"Father, what is the Spirit Locking Formation?" Dabao closed the door, turned his head and asked in a low voice to Chunyu Li who was teaching Ran Ran to write big characters.

Chunyu Li didn't pay much attention to it, and said casually: "It means that after death, the soul is locked in the formation, unable to reincarnate, unable to reincarnate, and will be trapped in the formation for eternity, and eventually become the spirit of the formation, prompting others to do bad things."

"Isn't Mommy very dangerous?" Dabao muttered in a low voice, his face changed suddenly after hearing this.

However, Chunyu Li's ears are so good that he could hear clearly.

"What does this have to do with your mommy?" Chun Yuli just asked casually, and only later did she realize how important she had discovered.

Of course it mattered, because they wanted to kill Mommy.

Dabao rolled his eyes and realized that they could not fight Yan Fu's family with their strength, but there was one person who could.

He stepped back, sat across from Ran Ran, and explained seriously: "The formation that made Mommy perform the blood sacrifice is actually two formations, which can remove the curse on the surface, but in fact it is the spirit lock formation .”

"What?" Chunyu Li was taken aback.

"They want to prevent Mommy from being reincarnated!" Dabao's eyes were also red.

Ran Ran was more straightforward, tears fell uncontrollably, and Er Bao, who was holding the brush, snapped off the pen holder.

"Don't worry, mommy will be fine with daddy here." Chunyu Li took a deep breath, and after comforting the three children, she stood up, opened the door and went to the living room.

He just ignores other people's affairs, but if he doesn't care about his woman's affairs, his spine will be poked off.His own woman was trapped in an evil way, which was simply challenging Chunyu's family's bottom line.

Yan Fujia, good, good!

"Why did you come out?" Yan Fu Ningyue turned her head when she heard the door opening, and frowned when she saw Chun Yuli coming out.

Chun Yuli acted very affectionately, walked over and put her arms around her waist, and said with a smile: "There are guests at home, I made a reservation at Zhiwei Building, it's almost time, I remind you to eat instead."

Yan Fu Ningyue looked up, isn't it, it's time for dinner.

"What about the children?"

"In the room, Yan Si is taking care of them." When Chun Yuli smiled, his eyes never left Yan Fu Ningyue, and the other three felt envious.

Yan Fu Ningyue was slightly embarrassed, and said with a smile: "Let me introduce to you, this is the father of the children, Chun Yuli. These three are Hua Wanying, Le Zhicheng and Le Zhitao. They They are twins!"

Finally, he pointed to the two sisters of Lejia and added.

"I am very grateful for having you by my side in the past ten years, and you have never left her until now. If you need any help in the future, just ask." Chun Yuli said Fu Ningyue angrily, with the attitude of a male master. She pinched him hard on the waist.

Chunyu Li was not angry, but smiled more and more happily.

Le Zhicheng didn't miss the small movements of the two of them, and a slight arc appeared on the corner of his mouth, "As long as you treat Yueyue and the children well!"

"Yueyue is good, we'll be fine, so you just take good care of Yueyue!" Le Zhitao winked at Yan Funingyue.

Hua Wanying pursed her lips, a smile appeared in her eyes, but she didn't speak.

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