Maybe some people are still secretly thanking him!

Leaving aside what he thinks, in short, the Vatican is really not an iron plate as he said.

"Bishop, last time we lost a total of 25 people, but we still couldn't catch him. Over the past month, we have searched almost every corner of Australia, but we haven't found him."

The man in the red cloak said in a deep voice: "He must have left Australia, and continue to search, all over the world."

"Yes, Bishop!"

The man in the black cloak turned around and walked out of the church, his aura suddenly turned aside, and several men came up immediately.He gave a few instructions in a low voice, and those people mixed in the crowd again and started to act separately.

The instigator was holding the baby in the sun on a yacht in the Pacific Ocean. I don’t know what Que’er was thinking. He had to come out to bask in the sun every day to be satisfied.And Ao Jin stayed in the room all day long to meditate and practice. As for the waiter in the black cloak, he could choose to ignore it.

"Little Treasure is drying the poplars here, Dad goes in to harvest the radishes!" Yan Zijiao put Que'er on the sofa, summoned Ao Jin's waiter, and walked into the secret realm.

The isolated medicinal field grew very well, and Yan Zijiao knew the truth that the longer the year, the better the medicinal properties, so he didn't touch that medicinal field.Instead, another piece of land was separated and the remaining medicinal materials were planted.

After planting the good medicine and recovering his strength, he took the shovel and began to harvest the carrots he had planted before. The carrots had been planted for a long time.He forgot to collect them. He just happened to be free today, so he decided to collect all the carrots and focus on other things.

Going down with a shovel, half of the carrot was exposed. Yan Zijiao was in a good mood, and he went down with a shovel again, and he dug out the carrot.


Why is this carrot half?

Looking at the half-cut carrot in his hand, which was much thicker than a white radish, Yan Zijiao felt a faint pain in his egg.He carefully pushed aside the soil around the other carrot, and with a strong pull, the carrot was easily pulled out by him.

The extra-large carrot is very gratifying, but Yan Zijiao is deeply worried.

After he pulled out the carrots one by one and put them in an extra-large box, he decided to go out and ask Que'er.

Ao Jin opened his eyes and didn't see the attendant, so he knew that his uncle was going to farm again, and he must have left the baby on the deck to bask in the sun.He sighed, stood up and walked out of the cabin. Just as he stood on the plywood, he saw his uncle suddenly appear, holding an extra-large carrot in his hand.

But his attention was not on the carrot, but on the little milk baby who was not much bigger than the carrot.

"Hey, it seems that Que'er is about to advance." As soon as Ao Jin finished speaking, Que'er's voice disappeared.

Yan Zijiao wanted to enter the secret realm, but was stopped by Ao Jin, "Uncle, Que'er wants to advance, there is no danger, and he will come out in a while."

That means not letting him in.


Ao Jin explained: "Gods and beasts will all advance, and only when they advance can they grow. If you don't advance, Que'er will be a little kid all his life. So, don't be too surprised when uncle sees Que'er who has grown up later."

"You and Xiao Yu'er don't seem to be like this!" Yan Zijiao naturally noticed Que'er's unusualness. Now that there is a ready-made encyclopedia, he naturally wanted to ask.

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