A playful flash of Yan Zijiao's eyes flashed, and he asked coldly, "Why should I trust you?"

The ugly look on Yu Youqi's face flashed past, but he didn't escape Yan Zijiao's gaze, and looked at him squarely.

As if moved by his courage and firmness, Yan Zijiao continued to say slowly: "The power of the assassination department is very powerful in your eyes, and it seems to be an invincible existence. It has a fatal attraction to many people. But in my eyes, it is like a chicken rib. It is a pity to eat it without taste. Since I have the ability to create a thorn, I have the ability to create another one."

"But it takes time, doesn't it? I promise that in the future, the thorns will be absolutely united as a whole, and there will be no problems. One will be absolutely loyal, and one will only be loyal to Chunyu's family from top to bottom!"

"It's good for young people to be aggressive, but why do you convince me that you have this ability?" Yan Zijia raised his eyebrows and looked at him disdainfully.

Yu Youqi pursed his lips, took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice, "I hold half of Yu's energy."

Yan Zijiao frowned suddenly, it seemed that someone was going to be punished, such a big problem was not found out, really...

"It's just half of it." He didn't pay much attention to it.

Yu Youqi gritted his teeth and said, "If Yu Boya dies, I am his son and will succeed him smoothly."

"But you are not his only son!"

Yu Youqi said harshly: "What if it's not, I'm the eldest son, and I'm the legitimate heir. Besides, the old man won't have the chance to admit the identity of that bastard."

"I'll give you three days, and I'll see the results after three days. If you can't subdue the Yu family within three days, then there's no need for the Yu family to exist."

"I will satisfy you." Yu Youqi gritted his teeth and promised.

After sending away Yuan Meng's mother and son, Que'er was sent to sleep by him, leaving only him and Ao Jin in the living room.Only then did Ao Jin ask out his doubts.

"Uncle, do you think he can do it?" Ao Jin didn't think Yu Youqi could sit up to that point.

Yan Zijia smiled but didn't answer: "Don't underestimate anyone, even if he looks uneducated."

"Then uncle believes that he can complete the task you entrusted to him?" According to the information, Yu Boya is not a simple character, besides...

What's more, they can't go home at all, how can they do it if they can't go home?

Unless they have very powerful people who can help them kill Yu Boya.

"Just wait and see the result. If you are curious, you can go and observe it yourself. Some things can't be known by guessing." Yan Zijiao was determined not to tell him the result, so Ao Jin had to open it by himself. computer.

The last time he went to Yu's house, he found a very interesting thing, Yu Boya actually installed hidden cameras in every place.

Now these cameras are convenient for him.

Sitting on the quilt, leaning against the pillow, he turned on the computer excitedly, and soon hacked into Yu's system quietly.Secretly observing the dynamics of each room, but didn't want to see a bloody scene.

"Yo, I didn't expect Yu Boya to be quite physically strong."

"Hey, so this woman is Feng Yin?"

"I really can't see that such a cold and arrogant woman like Feng Yin is like this in bed."

"Tsk tsk, you don't have a good figure!"


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