While eating breakfast, Que'er finally got up late, her eyes hadn't opened yet, she was hugged out by Yan Zijiao in a daze, and after washing her face not so gently, she closed her eyes and washed her teeth before putting her People take to the restaurant to eat.

"I checked everything you brought back yesterday, and there was no token!" Yan Zijiao fed Que'er porridge, and only put him on the chair beside him after she ate half a bowl.

Ao Jin paused his hand, and slowly frowned: "Is there really not?"

"Didn't you see it?" Yan Zijiao thought in his heart that according to the abilities of the two children, they should not miss that thing.

There is only one possibility of failing to get it back, that is, the token is not in the villa at all, but in other places.

"Wouldn't it be enough to go there once?" Hades, who didn't know anything about it, asked indifferently, thinking that they didn't complete the mission the first time, so they went for the second time.

The two in front of me are just children, so it's normal not to find them, so it's fine if they don't find them again.

He may not be able to find that thing, after all, it belongs to Su Wei, and it has been taken over by the new boss for so long.Who knows where that thing was hidden and if it is still there.

"I can't go anymore." Ao Jin said sullenly.

If I had known that I hadn't found that thing, and I didn't take the things on the nameplate, it was really not easy to go in again now.It can be said that there is no possibility of going in again.

"How do you know?" Hades asked reflexively.

Ao Jin lowered his head with a bitter face, and said in a muffled voice: "We took so many things from before yesterday, do you think it is still possible to get in?"

Hades was dumb, his forehead was raised, and he suddenly realized: "Oh, I forgot. That's right, you didn't take serious things yesterday, so what did you do with those expensive things? Now it's all right, I'm afraid it won't be easy to go in again. Maybe people are hating you so much."

"Brother, I'm full." Que'er said suddenly.

Yan Zijiao looked at her empty plate and nodded in satisfaction: "Go and play by yourself."

"Okay." Que'er reached into his breast pocket, pretended to take out a black wood necklace, and played with it in his hand.

After fiddling for a while, Yan Zijiao realized that her small arms could not perform such difficult movements by themselves.

"What do you want to do?"

"Put it on!" Que'er threw the necklace in her hand, Yan Zijiao took it over without paying attention, and just looked down casually, but found something incredible.

"I don't think you need to go."

"What?" Hades was puzzled, thinking he had heard it wrong.

Ao Jin turned his head, looked at the thing in his hand in surprise, and asked, "Uncle, isn't this the token?"

Hades also followed his words, looked at Yan Zijiao's hand, and smiled after reading it.

"No... no way! Can this thing be a token? Are you kidding me?"

Yan Zijiao said seriously: "I'm not joking, this is the token Su Da said."

"Really? Show me it quickly." Hades took it over and took a look, and really found something wrong.

It looks like black wood, but it is a rare black jade in the hand. It is warm in the hand. It is engraved with Sanskrit. People who don't know it will think it is from a temple.I'm afraid only Su Wei and his direct descendants know what it means.

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