
Surion was shocked, suddenly remembered something wrong yesterday, and understood something.His face changed slightly, but he didn't ask anything.She looked at him lightly, without saying a word.

Hades was very depressed. The people he met recently were all monsters, and none of them were simple.It's the same with the man and woman in front of him, he's so calm, those who don't know think there's something wrong with his brain.

"It seems that you have figured it out." Hades knew the answer from the change in his face, smiling pleasantly, waiting for his answer.

The two competed for patience, Hades didn't say anything, neither did Sulion.

Let's see who can stand who.

After a long time, Surion asked softly, "Is that true?"

"Which one? Ah! Ang, you mean your sister and Yan Ruidong? It's true, I don't need to lie to you. Yan Ruidong asked her to get the token left by your father and let her take over the Su Gang. As for the future of the Su Gang, I don’t even tell you that you know it in your heart.” Hades’ chattering mode started.

Surion quietly finished his nonsense, and asked again: "What are your conditions?"

"We have no conditions, no conditions." Their organization does not have any conditions, Hades added in his heart, as for what the idol wants to do, he doesn't know.

Su Lian moved his wrist without changing his expression: "Can you untie it for me?"

"no problem."

Hades undid the handcuffs neatly, and Surion sat up, and the quilt slid down to reveal his fair and delicate chest, with a few marks on it, ambiguous and embarrassing.Hades is so thick-skinned that his eyes are straight.

Su Lian didn't react at all, he was not shocked by favor or shame, and got out of bed wrapped in the quilt calmly and without any disturbance.Walking up to Hades, he looked at him seriously and said his request.

"Can you find me some clothes?"

Hades twitched the corner of his mouth, nodded stiffly, turned around and went out the window, and when he came back, he was wearing a suit of clothes in his hand.It is very complete from inside to outside.Surion recognized at a glance that it was his clothes, or the clothes he bought before.

"Where did you find it?" Su Lian asked calmly, wearing his clothes like no one else.

Hades shrugged, sat down on a chair, and said, "It's in a room over there, filled with brand-new clothes. I just picked up a set, and it seems to fit me pretty well."


Of course it fits, it's his clothes, it's a joke if it doesn't fit.

"Are we leaving like this?" Surion asked Hades with a frown as he buttoned up his buttons.

Hades nodded: "Otherwise? Are you going to wait for someone to come back before leaving?"

"sorry to bother you."


Hades led Surion to climb down from the second floor, walked around the path to the mountain behind, and climbed over the wall skillfully.Looking back, the slender young man was still standing inside, and he jumped in.

"What's the matter with you, why don't you come out?" Hades lowered his voice and asked him with staring eyes.

Surion expressed his innocence, pointed at the wall that was not too high for Hades, and said without blushing, "I can't climb it!"

Harris' expression froze, his face turned red, and he continued to wait for him.

"come over!"

"it is good."

Su Lian followed obediently, stood under the corner of the wall, and waited for Hades to get into a good posture before stepping on his feet to climb up the wall and turn over.

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