"I don't know either!" Que'er looked blank, she just listened to the righteous man on TV.

Yan Zijiao, who was standing on the balcony on the second floor, coughed suddenly when he heard the conversation of the two snack foodies.

He really shouldn't have eavesdropped!

Turn around and walk into the bedroom, close the balcony door, and go straight to the kitchen to see how breakfast is being prepared.

Xiao Yu'er's waiter was not the best at kung fu, the reason why she was selected was because of her excellent craftsmanship.The little master is a foodie, if she doesn't have superb cooking skills, she is destined not to be welcomed by the little master, nor will she be favored by the little master.

Women in ancient times had well-educated nuns, and the waiters around Xiao Yu'er just had a few more skills.

Before he reached the kitchen, he could already smell the aroma, and Yan Zijiao suddenly felt relieved.Inexplicably, he envied his little niece in his heart, and envied her for having a waiter who was very talented in cooking.

"Go get them two to come in for breakfast!"

After making sure that breakfast was basically ready, Yan Zijiao spoke to Ao Jin who was sitting on the sofa drinking water.Ao Jin stood up without any burden, walked to the door, and yelled casually that it was time to eat.The two girls froze for a moment, then rushed in the next second.

Needless to say Zijiao reminded him, he had already gone in first to wash his hands, and when he came out he obediently stood aside, ready to eat breakfast.Yan Zijiao twitched the corner of his mouth, and skillfully brought breakfast to the two little ones.

Ao Jin took care of himself and moved gracefully, and waited until Xiao Yuer's waiter came out, sharing Xiao Yuer's part.Kotoko Kari began to eat slowly.

His movements were elegant, his eyes fell on several children from time to time, and his mind was spinning rapidly.

Suddenly, an email came, and the slender fingers slid the screen, seeing the content above, his face was solemn.After a while, close the phone and continue eating.Ao Jin glanced curiously, but the person opposite did not respond at all.

He had to bow his head and continue eating.

Yan Zijiao continued his aristocratic etiquette, finished his breakfast like a performance, carefully wiped the corners of Que'er's mouth, and then picked up his mobile phone to reply to emails.The corner of Ao Jin's mouth twitched fiercely, and he was very grateful. Fortunately, he was not under his uncle's subordinates, otherwise he would have been thinking a lot during this time.

I don't know if my brain will collapse because of this, and I will become depressed in the end.

"I've sent the email to you, and you can handle the rest." Yan Zijiao ordered Ao Jin as if saying something commonplace, and Ao Jin paused and nodded with difficulty.

"I see, uncle."


Ao Jin turned her head to look at her uncle who was concentrating on taking care of Que'er, and her mind was tied.Fortunately, he has gradually gotten used to this pace, otherwise he would really vomit blood due to his uncle's style.

Speeding up the meal, Ao Jin took a sip of the soup, wiped the corners of his mouth, stood up and left the restaurant.

He quickly went upstairs and turned on the computer for the first time. After seeing the contents of the email, he felt bad.

"Uncle, is it really good to exploit child labor?"

No matter what he thought in his heart, the man downstairs couldn't hear him anyway.Watching the two little girls having breakfast, sending the NPC to the living room, they waited for a while before going upstairs to deal with official business.

"Have you finished reading it?"

Ao Jin really wanted to roll his eyes, he came up for so long, how could he not finish it.Uncle definitely did it on purpose!

"It's over!" No matter what he thought in his heart, he had to be obedient on the surface.

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