Swish swish!

There was a small sound in the grass, Ranran's senses were good without a ghost floating by her side.Suddenly a snow-white cat meowed, and Ran Ran immediately sat up from the chair and looked around.

A little golden snake suddenly flew towards Ran Ran very quickly, and Ah Gui's cat pretending to be noble was staring at a bird sitting on a tree not far away with a pair of big eyes at the moment.

What is this scenario?

Ran Ran reached out to hug her cat, only to find that the little golden snake rushed over at lightning speed, wrapped around her wrist along her palm.Like a golden bracelet, it also exudes a cold touch. If you don't look carefully, you won't find that her hand is a living thing.

If it was someone else, she might scream, but Ran Ran, who is a strange creature, would not feel any fuss.

But the bird that landed on the tree seemed very unhappy, staring at Ran Ran's arm, and then flew away quickly.

Ran Ran just stretched out her arm, looked at the guy wrapped around her wrist pretending to be dead, grinned, and very calmly grabbed the cat under her feet.I don't know what happened to Ah Gui, so he hid aside very decisively, as if he was very repulsed by Ran Ran's actions.

"Gui, you are not good!" The tone was soft, but the expression told A Gui that she was very angry.

A Gui looked tentatively at Ran Ran's wrist, stepped timidly, and was quickly grabbed by Ran Ran.Sensing the fear of the cat in her arms, Ran Ran expressed that it was very strange.

Touching Ah Gui's head with his hands, remembering to communicate.

"You mean this guy can understand what I'm saying?"

Ran Ran frowned and asked, Ah Gui nodded hurriedly. Although the cat nodded strangely, Ah Gui was not an ordinary cat.

Afterwards, Ghost saw its owner put himself down, and poked the other guy wrapped around his wrist with his other hand, his tone didn't seem very good.

"Hey, your enemy is gone, so go too!"

The golden bracelet didn't move, well, she continued to poke, but still didn't move, poked again, still didn't move...

A Gui was very speechless, his cat eyes were full of tears, his master was obviously very smart, why did he just like this.

Ran Ran didn't care how entangled her pet was, she poked the guy pretending to be dead desperately, but unfortunately, until Er Bao came to the door, Ran Ran still couldn't poke the guy.Seeing my brother coming, I didn't want my brother to find out that I was tidying up, so I covered that wrist with my sleeve.

Ran Ran was very thankful that grandma's craftsmanship was good, and the clothes she made for her were so beautiful that she didn't give up wearing them.

"Second brother!"

"It's time to eat, I'll come find you."

Erbao, who has a keen sense of smell, is better than radar, so Dabao naturally entrusted him with this glorious task.

"Do you want to eat at grandma's place? Second brother, I can't get enough to eat at grandma's place. Grandma's rules are so strict." As a senior snack shopper, a versatile snack shopper, little friend Ran Ran finally started to protest.

The corner of the mouth of the abandoned cat twitched, but unfortunately no one could understand its entanglement.

Er Bao comforted with a smile: "We won't go to grandma's to eat today, we will eat in our own yard, you can eat as much as you want."

Ran Ran's eyes lit up with hope, "Are you going to eat in your yard from now on?"

A faint smile appeared on the handsome boy's face, and he said softly, "No, only once!"

Immediately afterwards, the little girl next to her collapsed, as if she had received a huge blow!

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