The two sisters sat in the coffee shop and after carefully reading all the materials, their moods were no longer what they used to be.

"You said why I didn't see that he was such a person at first?" Gu Limo sighed.

Turning around to look at the pedestrians outside, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and the bitter taste spread, but it was not as mellow as coffee.

Ye Suzi said incredulously, "Could it be that you see it now?"

Gu Limo shook her head honestly, and said coquettishly: "Oh, you really hate it, you know I didn't see it, and you still have to say that?"

"I'm just telling the truth. Don't you have to speak out of your conscience to be satisfied? Gu Limo, if you are stupid, you have to admit it. If you don't dare to admit it, you are worse than a fool!"

Ye Suzi was full of anger, and he was not soft-spoken at all when he complained.After a series of words, Gu Limo's eyes widened and her chest heaved continuously.

"I know you are amazing, let's go! Tell me what to do about this time first!"

"What should I do?" Ye Suzi didn't keep up with her rhythm.

"I thought about it and decided that I can't let you make the decision alone. Let's go back and ask my mother, and then we'll see the situation. In this way, even if something happens, there will be elders to support it. If something happens in the middle, no elder will stop... "Before she finished the rest, Ye Suzi understood in an instant.

"I understand what you mean, and I know what you mean. But after you're sure you've told your aunt about it, won't the world know about it?"

Ye Suzi really didn't trust Mrs. Gu's mouth, maybe after she had just finished exhorting, Mrs. Gu might say something wrong when she turned around.

Gu Limo curled her lips, and said dissatisfiedly: "Then tell me, if the Dong Chuang incident happens, who can stop Auntie?"

Ye Suzi swallowed speechlessly, with tears in his heart, he said helplessly, "Could it be that we can only let my aunt know?"

Is there no other way?

Gu Limo shook her head honestly: "Yes!"


"Don't worry too much about it. My mother is very reliable. Besides, things are in order! Except for her, no one can talk to my aunt about this matter." Ye Suzi was not moved by the opening words, only The last sentence moved her mind.

"Okay, since that's the case, let's ask my aunt out to talk in the afternoon." The house is really not a good place, and if you are not careful, it may leak out.

If her mother finds out, there will definitely be earth-shattering events.At that time, no one can really stop her.

Whenever Ye Suzi thought of that scene, he would feel extremely bad.

Gu Limo saw her thoughts and comforted her: "Don't worry, although he is my aunt's heart knot, but my aunt is not that green girl back then. It will be fine."

"I hope so!"

Ye Suzi sighed, and his eyes fell on the photo again, watching the corner of the man's mouth slowly curl up.

"If possible, I hope that I don't know who he is for the rest of my life. In that case, I can still look forward to it. But when I know his identity, I just think that he has never appeared. Even if he is dead!"

Listening to her words, Gu Limo was filled with emotions. The little girl who was looking forward to her father's appearance when she was a child disappeared.

She thought that Ye Suzi missed the father in his dreams more than this ungrateful man named Su Chi.

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