She didn't feel that much before, and she didn't feel that she was so high-ranking, but now she really realized the gap between her words and deeds.She is also a housewife, but looking at what the sister-in-law does every day, it is really no different from the ancient queen.

"What have you been thinking about all day?" Yan Xing Ge asked with a smile.

"I just feel like I am the daughter of a local official, and then I was selected into the palace and given to the prince as a concubine. There is a huge difference in status." Gu Limo told the truth without hiding anything.

Yan Xing Ge suddenly laughed, and nodded in agreement: "Your description is correct. Our Chunyu family wants this world, so it's no problem, but our family is not rare."

The world is good, but no dynasty can last for a thousand years.On the contrary, there are many big families, which have been passed down for a long time.

It was not a sudden decision to come out this time, but he heard that someone wanted to find Gu Limo, and the purpose of that person was self-evident.If you want to lure a snake out of its hole, you must spend a lot of money.

It is reluctant that the child cannot catch the wolf.

He just brought a lot of work and ran over to fish.

I hope that person does not live up to his hopes.

Naturally, Gu Limo didn't know this. Taking advantage of the busy time between words, deeds and songs, she went to the hot spring and bought a lot of gifts to give away when she went back.After a few days, I had a great time playing.

"How are things going?" There was a burst of tension in the study.

Standing there, Yu Xi said calmly, "All around are our people, just waiting for the fish to take the bait."

"Send people to monitor 24 hours a day. Once you see someone suspicious, immediately follow up. Don't let women and children go easily!" Yan Xingge reminded of his second sister-in-law's experience of being taken home, and warned cautiously.

"Don't worry, as long as it is an unfamiliar face, whether it is an adult or a child, it will enter our monitoring range."

"Okay, go out and get busy!" Yan Xingge waved his hand wearily, Yu Xi turned and went out, closing the door carefully.

As soon as the door was closed, the phone on the desk rang. He picked it up and took a look, and answered the call without any hesitation.

"what's up?"

"The Yao family has launched an attack! Look at today's news." Gu Xilang's voice on the phone was full of vigor, "That bastard finally couldn't take it anymore, I'm worried that his people have almost arrived."

Yan Xing Ge quickly opened the domestic news, and sure enough, he saw the same content on various websites, newspapers and magazines.

"Is Shen Ci's identity confirmed?" Some time ago, he asked Gu Xilang to take Shen Ci's hair for a paternity test, and there should be a result.

Gu Xilang nodded: "I'm on my way, I'll see you soon and get the report."

"Okay, get the report and tell me. Don't worry on my side, there will be no problems." Just as I was talking, there was a hasty knock on the door, "Then let's do this first, and give me the news when you get the news." Call up."

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, Yan Xing Ge said in a deep voice, "Come in."

The person who came was not Yu Xi, but another one. "Master, something happened!"

"What's wrong with Momo?" Yan Xingge's heart skipped a beat, and he stood up abruptly and asked hurriedly.

"Miss Gu injured a woman!" The visitor gasped a little, and waited until the words, deeds and songs were finished, before he squeezed out the rest of the words.

Yan Xingge breathed a sigh of relief, he was no longer as nervous as before, sat down again, frowned and asked, "What's going on?"

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