"What you said is true?" Yao Ling stared at him for a long time before she could be sure that her son didn't come up with a routine.

Yao Zhiqian: "..."

He nodded very speechlessly.

"That girl can't be Xiao Baihe's opponent, how could she appear in this kind of thing?" Yao Ling became serious this time, "Send a lawyer to get Xiao Baohe out, and I will personally ask what happened .”

"I see."

Sayuri's lawyer went to the police station with Yu Xi, and Yu Xi went in and looked around.Seeing Gu Limo sitting there calmly, she didn't suffer any injuries, but Xiao Baihe's clothes were torn and there were a few scars on her body, she looked much worse.

Yu Xi breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly asked the lawyer to go forward to negotiate, and walked towards Gu Limo by himself.

"Miss Gu, the young master asked me to pick you up." Yu Xi's voice was not high, it was a little gentler than before.

Hearing the familiar voice, Gu Limo suddenly raised her head, her eyes were watery and stubborn.She didn't say a word, she stood up and followed Yu You, the lawyer nodded towards Yu Xi, and Yu Xi took Gu Limo away directly.

Xiao Baihe received the hint from the lawyer, but didn't say a word, and watched Gu Limo leave secretly, while she waited and couldn't leave.

She is a top expert in the international assassin group, and her mission this time is not to kill people, but to take people away without anyone noticing.I didn't expect to fall on a woman's body because of my carelessness.

"Okay." The lawyer's voice was cold, Sayuri frowned, didn't speak, got up and left first.

When he got outside, he saw Gu Limo being sent into the car respectfully, smiled coldly, and got into a black car himself.After sitting in the car, the lawyer changed his previous indifference and opened his mouth to give the task.

"The employer asked you to explain clearly."

"Explain?" Saiduri frowned, with a strange accent, and then blurted out fluent Japanese. "Taking away a kung fu master silently, I don't think I can do it."

The lawyer didn't frown: "Is that woman very powerful?"

Sayuri nodded solemnly: "It's not ordinary."

The lawyer took off his glasses, his eyes flashed, and he said thoughtfully: "No wonder you missed it, so you are a master."

Sayuri still had a gloomy expression on her face.

"That's the end of this matter, you go back!" The lawyer spoke, and the haze on Sayuri's face dispelled, "Take a good vacation for yourself."

After sending Xiao Baihe away, the lawyer took out his hand and dialed the client's phone with a sneer.

Yao Zhiqian hung up the phone with a livid face, and Yao Ling screamed: "What? Let us compensate them for mental damage?"

"Didn't you tell them that Gu Limo has kung fu?" Yao Zhiqian questioned in a rather bad tone, regardless of Yao Ling being his mother.

"Does it need to be said? Isn't it something they should investigate themselves?" Guilty Yao Ling yelled back with a straight face.

"Investigation?" Yao Zhiqian sneered, "This matter is over, you are not taking action anymore."

"Your wings have grown hard, do you dare to fight against me?" It's not that Yao Ling didn't notice her son's attitude. Since the last visit from her family, he has become more and more out of her control.

What she wants is an obedient son, not a dog that can bite.

Yao Ling's eyes were slightly cold, it seemed that as long as Yao Zhiqian said something that didn't meet her wishes, there was a possibility of killing him quickly.

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