Originally, when Bai Wuruo heard the first sentence, his face was very ugly, but when he heard the second sentence, he looked at him in surprise, as if he was very shocked.

"Is it strange that our surname is not Chunyu?"

Dabao turned to ask his younger siblings, Erbao pursed his lips and said nothing, but Ranran immediately lowered his head, it was so embarrassing!

"It's not surprising!" Bai Wuruo's temperament is comparable to that of Erbao, a model who cherishes words like gold!

"That's right, nothing surprising." Dabao nodded with a smile, as if he agreed with Bai Wuruo.

Dabao thought that Bai Wuruo would continue, but the clinker Bai Wuruo actually put on a martial arts pose, and Erbao's eyes lit up instantly.I thought to myself, so that's what it means to know each other, but he likes it!

Then, Erbao stood up without saying a word, and Dabao pulled Ranran back, leaving enough space for the two of them.


As soon as Bai Wuruo opened his mouth, Dabao pursed his lips and put on a fighting posture. The old man fishing in the distance stopped pretending, dropped the fishing rod in his hand, and turned to watch the two little guys compete.Looking at their poses, he nodded in satisfaction, stroked his white beard, and narrowed his eyes with a smile.

Different from the last competition with Yu Yun, this time Erbao is much more serious. One of his advantages is that he never underestimated anyone since he was a child.

Ran Ran was not nervous, she looked at the cat not far away, and beckoned. The cat who was about to go forward hesitated for a while, not only did not go forward, but also took a few steps towards its hind legs.Ran Ran stomped her feet angrily.

"What's the matter, ghost!"

Dabao turned his head and asked, "What's wrong, ghost? Isn't it all right?"

"I'm not allowed to hug these days!" Ran Ran was a little frustrated.

"You don't even think about what that thing is in your hand, how could it be possible for you to hold it." Dabao glanced at the position of her wrist, and said with a smile.

Ran Ran also knew it in her heart, but she still said unconvinced: "You know that ghost is not an ordinary cat, to be precise, he is just a person with the body of a cat!"

"It's also a cat, right?"

"I see!" Ran Ran nodded in frustration, and the brother and sister continued to watch the competition.

A certain guy thought proudly, that baby is still smart, but this girl is too stupid.

Bai Wuruo's kung fu was really good, it was on par with Erbao who was abused by Yan Funingyue in various ways since she was a child, Dabao saw the splendor again and again, even Ran Ran's mood improved.

"That brat's kung fu is really good. It's not bad to be able to tie with Erbao!" Dabao's words were not loud, but Ranran heard them clearly, and the old man with sensitive ears not far away naturally heard them too.

He stared at Dabao with his glasses wide open, brat?That brat actually said that Bai Wuruo was a brat?

Ran Ran said helplessly: "Brother, is he older than the second brother?"

"Really?" Dabao frowned, and then he said something that would kill him, "Then why is he so short? Could it be the pocket version of the uncle?"

Ran Ran kept her mouth shut because she really didn't want to talk to her incomprehensible elder brother!

Pocket version of the uncle?

Fortunately, this kid can think of it!

Listening to the conversation between Dabao and Ranran, the seventh old master gained a deeper understanding of the three, that is, to offend no one and not to offend Dabao, who has a vicious tongue.

He definitely has the ability to curse the dead back to life!

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